Nicolás Maduro Leads Venezuelan Presidential Election Polls with 43% Support

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro leads presidential election polls with 43% of the vote, according to a recent Paramétrica study. The study found 80% of respondents intend to participate in the July 28 elections, with health services and infrastructure being top concerns.

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Nicolás Maduro Leads Venezuelan Presidential Election Polls with 43% Support

Nicolás Maduro Leads Venezuelan Presidential Election Polls with 43% Support

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is leading the presidential election polls with 43% of the vote, according to a recent study conducted by Paramétrica. The study, which involved 2,000 nationwide door-to-door interviews and has a confidence level of 95%, was carried out from May 7 to 15 in 14 states across Venezuela.

Maduro's closest competitors are Edmundo González, who has secured 32% of the vote, and José Brito, with 8%. The study also provided insights into the voting intentions for other presidential candidates: Antonio Ecarri (2.1%), Javier Bertucci (1.7%), Claudio Fermin (1.5%), Daniel Ceballos (1.2%), Benjamin Rausseo (1.1%), and Luis Martinez (0.7%).

The outcome of the Venezuelan presidential election has significant implications for the country's political and economic future, and its relationships with other nations. A Maduro victory could lead to continued economic instability and potential international sanctions, while a opposition win could bring about reforms and improved relations with the global community.

The study found that 80% of respondents intend to participate in the presidential elections scheduled for July 28. Additionally, 13.25% of respondents might vote, 3.8% might not vote, 1.6% will not vote, and 1.0% are undecided or did not respond.

When asked about the issues most troubling Venezuelans, 46.5% expressed concern about health services, followed by 22.3% who are concerned about electricity, water, urban sanitation, and Internet. Other concerns included the economic situation (13.4%), corruption and insecurity (5.1%), and various other issues (4.7%).

In a recent tweet, President Maduro expressed optimism about the upcoming elections, stating, "Wonderful working meeting with the political bases of the Zulia state! We are walking with our own efforts, without mortgaging our country's independence and sovereignty, without lowering our face to anyone. The worst times are behind us. Now let's move forward!"

The Paramétrica study was conducted in 14 states, including Caracas, Miranda, Falcon, Zulia, Merida, Tachira, Portuguesa, Barinas, Guarico, Anzoategui, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Monagas, and Bolivar. The comprehensive survey aims to capture the political climate and voter intentions ahead of the pivotal elections.

As Venezuela approaches the July 28 elections, the political situation remains dynamic, with President Maduro maintaining a significant lead. The concerns of the electorate, particularly regarding health services and infrastructure, will likely play a crucial role in shaping the final outcome.

Key Takeaways

  • Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro leads presidential election polls with 43% of the vote.
  • Maduro's closest competitors are Edmundo González (32%) and José Brito (8%).
  • 80% of respondents intend to participate in the July 28 presidential elections.
  • Health services (46.5%) and infrastructure (22.3%) are top concerns for Venezuelan voters.
  • A Maduro victory could lead to continued economic instability and international sanctions.