South African Police Minister Bheki Cele Warns Against Threats to Stability Amid Election Results

South African Police Minister Bheki Cele warns against threats to security amid potential violence over election results. The Independent Electoral Commission prepares to declare final results, with over 500 objections and calls for a recount from political parties.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
South African Police Minister Bheki Cele Warns Against Threats to Stability Amid Election Results

South African Police Minister Bheki Cele Warns Against Threats to Stability Amid Election Results

South African Police Minister Bheki Cele has issued a stern warning that the state will not tolerate any threats to security amid potential violence over the country's electoral process results. This announcement comes while the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) prepares to declare the final results from the recent polls.

The IEC has received over 500 objections, with many political parties calling for a recount. Cele emphasized the importance of respecting the constitutional mandate of the IEC, stating, "The constitution provides the mandate to manage elections to the IEC. Therefore, the decision to declare the results rests solely with the IEC, in accordance with the law. As such, there cannot be any room for threats of instability to register objections or concerns about the electoral process."

Why this matters: The stability of South Africa's electoral process has significant implications for the country's democracy and global reputation. Any disruptions or violence could lead to a breakdown in law and order, undermining the country's institutions and potentially sparking wider unrest.

Law enforcement agencies have been on high alert throughout the election period, ready to maintain peace and stability. National police commissioner Gen Fannie Masemola reported that between May 27 and May 29, 130 cases were registered, with 90 arrests made. Most of the accused are out on bail, while 22 remain in custody.

The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (Natjoints) has confirmed its readiness to ensure a peaceful environment following the election results declaration. Cele reiterated that "Any attempt to undermine the authority of the state and SA's constitutional order will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly."

Former President Jacob Zuma's call for a halt to the election process on the eve of the results announcement has added to the tension. The security cluster, including Ministers Cele, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, and Thandi Modise, has urged all parties to abide by the code of conduct and raise their disputes through the proper mechanisms outlined in the Electoral Act. Ntshavheni stated, "If you threaten or attempt to threaten the stability of the republic, the law will have to take its course. We will respond to any incidents."

In light of the July 2021 unrest, which led to the arrest of 63 individuals, the security cluster has taken significant measures to prevent any similar incidents. Cele mentioned that the police have strengthened units like public order policing and crime intelligence to ensure they can effectively carry out their duties.

The IEC is expected to announce the final results on Sunday evening. The nation awaits the results, with the emphasis remaining on maintaining peace and respecting the constitutional process. Defence Minister Thandi Modise appealed to all South Africans, stating, *"We are appealing to all parties and individuals in South Africa... We are hoping that our plea to all parties will be heard by all those involved. We are not looking to have a conversation with one party. We are appealing to all South Africans to respect the laws of South Africa. "*

South Africa's commitment to upholding its constitutional order and ensuring a peaceful transition following the election results is clear. The state has made it evident that any attempts to disrupt this process will be met with firm action.

Key Takeaways

  • South African Police Minister warns against threats to security amid election results.
  • IEC receives over 500 objections, with many parties calling for a recount.
  • Law enforcement agencies on high alert to maintain peace and stability.
  • Security cluster urges parties to abide by code of conduct and raise disputes through proper mechanisms.
  • State vows to take firm action against any attempts to disrupt the electoral process.