Teresa Ribera Asserts PSOE's Victory in European Elections at Vigo Rally

Teresa Ribera, Spain's Socialist candidate, confidently predicts a PSOE win in the upcoming European elections at a rally in Vigo. Ribera highlights the party's economic achievements and criticizes the far-right and Popular Party.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Teresa Ribera Asserts PSOE's Victory in European Elections at Vigo Rally

Teresa Ribera Asserts PSOE's Victory in European Elections at Vigo Rally

Teresa Ribera, Spain's Socialist candidate, has confidently declared that the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) will secure a win in the upcoming European elections. Speaking at a rally in Vigo, attended by approximately 200 supporters, Ribera likened the party's progress to a 'rocket,' suggesting a surge in momentum that election day approaches.

Ribera, who serves simultaneously as Third Vice President and Minister of Ecological Transition, emphasized the party's comeback in the final days of the campaign. 'Vamos a ganar' ('We're going to win'), she stated, reinforcing her belief in the party's victory.

Highlighting the positive economic indicators under the PSOE's governance, Ribera noted that 21.3 million people are contributing to Social Security, with a growth rate five times higher than the eurozone average. She also mentioned a reduction in debt to 2006 levels, attributing these achievements to the party's policies.

Ribera's speech was marked by her criticism of the far-right and the Popular Party (PP). She accused the far-right of normalizing hate speech and undermining democracy, while condemning the PP for lacking a coherent program and principles. She pointed to the PP's inconsistent stance on human rights and their silence on controversial issues.

The outcome of the European elections will have significant implications for Spain's political framework and the European Union as a whole. A PSOE victory could influence the direction of EU policies and impact the lives of millions of Europeans.

The rally in Vigo was held at the Afundación Auditorium, where Ribera was introduced by the city's mayor and PSOE local president, Abel Caballero. Caballero expressed his confidence in Ribera's candidacy and highlighted the positive impact of European funds on Vigo's development, particularly in mobility, tourism, and industry.

With the European elections approaching, Ribera's optimistic outlook and the PSOE's campaign efforts aim to sway voters in their favor. With 61 euro-deputies to be elected in Spain, the outcome of the elections will reflect the public's stance on the current government's performance and policies.

Key Takeaways

  • Teresa Ribera, Spain's Socialist candidate, predicts PSOE win in European elections.
  • PSOE highlights 21.3 million Social Security contributors and reduced debt to 2006 levels.
  • Ribera criticizes far-right for normalizing hate speech and PP for lacking coherent program.
  • European election outcome will impact Spain's political framework and EU policies.
  • 61 euro-deputies to be elected in Spain, reflecting public stance on current government.