Geagea Accuses Berri of Dividing Lebanon Amid Presidential Crisis

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accuses Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri of dividing the country and shirking responsibility amid Lebanon's presidential crisis. Berri had offered to adapt to the Quintet countries' requests, replacing his presidential 'dialogue' initiative with 'consultations'.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Geagea Accuses Berri of Dividing Lebanon Amid Presidential Crisis

Geagea Accuses Berri of Dividing Lebanon Amid Presidential Crisis

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has accused Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri of dividing the country and shirking responsibility in the midst of Lebanon's ongoing presidential crisis. Geagea's remarks come in response to Berri's recent statements, which Geagea claims reveal Berri's true intentions.

Why this matters: The ongoing presidential crisis in Lebanon has significant implications for the country's stability and regional security. If not resolved, it could lead to further political unrest and economic instability, affecting not only Lebanon but also the broader Middle East region.

Berri had emphasized his willingness to adapt to the requests of the Quintet—comprising France, Qatar, Egypt, the U.S., and Saudi Arabia—by replacing his presidential 'dialogue' initiative with 'consultations.' He conveyed this to French special envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian and the ambassadors of the Quintet countries.

Berri asserted that terms such as consultations, communication, meetings, and talks are synonymous with dialogue. He stressed that the role and authority of the parliament and its speaker are non-negotiable institutional rules, and any consultations should occur in parliament and be chaired by the Speaker.

In a pointed critique, Berri accused Geagea of refusing to participate in a dialogue chaired by him, suggesting that Geagea desires federalism and does not want a president to be elected. Berri's statements were published in al-Joumhouria newspaper.

Geagea responded by accusing Berri of revealing his true intentions, which Geagea believes are divisive and reject responsibility. Geagea's criticism is set against a backdrop of mounting political tension and a prolonged presidential deadlock in Lebanon.

The presidential dialogue is seen as essential to resolving the crisis, with Berri stating, 'Dialogue is the key to the presidential vote and will happen sooner or later.' * However, Geagea and the Lebanese Forces party have been accused of obstructing these efforts.

Berri has also announced his intention to chair the dialogue in Beirut, despite reports suggesting that France might host a presidential dialogue for Lebanese parties in Paris. This plan highlights Berri's insistence on maintaining the authority of the parliament and its speaker.

The Lebanese political scene remains fraught with tension, with various parties and leaders proposing different solutions to break the deadlock. The involvement of international players like the Quintet countries and special envoys highlights the complexity and urgency of the situation.

As Lebanon struggles with its political crisis, the statements and actions of key figures like Berri and Geagea will continue to shape the country's future. The path to resolving the presidential deadlock remains uncertain, with dialogue and consultations being crucial to any potential solution.

Key Takeaways

  • Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accuses Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri of dividing the country and shirking responsibility.
  • Berri's statements reveal his true intentions, which Geagea believes are divisive and reject responsibility.
  • The presidential crisis in Lebanon has significant implications for the country's stability and regional security.
  • Berri insists on chairing the presidential dialogue in Beirut, maintaining parliament's authority.
  • International players like the Quintet countries are involved, highlighting the complexity and urgency of the situation.