Germany Expresses Readiness to Aid in Restarting Cyprus Reunification Talks

Germany announces support for resuming Cyprus reunification talks, emphasizing trust-building between Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides reiterates commitment to reunification, seeking international support to break the deadlock.

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Germany Expresses Readiness to Aid in Restarting Cyprus Reunification Talks

Germany Expresses Readiness to Aid in Restarting Cyprus Reunification Talks

Germany has announced its willingness to support the resumption of Cyprus reunification talks, with German Ambassador to Cyprus Anke Slim emphasizing the importance of trust-building between Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. The announcement comes amidst ongoing efforts by Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides to revive negotiations based on United Nations resolutions.

President Christodoulides recently reiterated his commitment to the reunification of Cyprus, highlighting the government's dedication to achieving this goal despite the challenging circumstances. Speaking at a memorial service in Lympia, he stated, "We made a promise and we will keep it to the end by doing everything possible. A promise of unremitting struggle and effort with the sole aim of liberation, the reunification of our country on the basis of the United Nations resolutions, the agreed framework and the principles and values of the European Union."

Why this matters: The reunification of Cyprus has significant implications for regional stability and international relations. A successful resolution could lead to increased economic cooperation and improved diplomatic ties between the European Union and Turkey.

The Cypriot government has been actively seeking international support to break the deadlock in reunification talks. Efforts have attracted attention from the United Nations and the European Union. President Christodoulides has expressed readiness for a meeting with the Turkish Cypriot side, although no new information or response has been received yet.

UN Special Envoy Colin Holguin is expected to brief UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the Cyprus issue in the first half of June. This briefing could potentially influence the international community's stance and involvement in the reunification process.

The reunification of Cyprus has been a complex and prolonged issue, with the Turkish Cypriot side's approach being a significant obstacle. The island has been divided since 1974, following a Turkish invasion triggered by a Greek-inspired coup. Numerous attempts at reunification have failed, with the most recent round of talks collapsing in 2017.

Germany's readiness to contribute to the negotiations highlights the international community's growing interest in resolving the Cyprus issue. Ambassador Slim's focus on trust-building suggests a strategic approach to overcoming longstanding divisions between the two communities.

As efforts to restart the talks continue, the involvement of key international players like Germany, the United Nations, and the European Union could be vital in facilitating a breakthrough. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether these diplomatic efforts can translate into tangible progress towards the reunification of Cyprus.

Key Takeaways

  • Germany supports resuming Cyprus reunification talks, emphasizing trust-building between Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
  • Cypriot President Christodoulides reiterates commitment to reunification based on UN resolutions and EU principles.
  • Reunification could lead to increased economic cooperation and improved EU-Turkey diplomatic ties.
  • UN Special Envoy to brief UN Secretary-General on Cyprus issue in June, potentially influencing international involvement.
  • International community's growing interest in resolving the Cyprus issue could facilitate a breakthrough.