Haiti's Transitional Council Appoints Garry Conille as Prime Minister Amidst Crisis

Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council appoints Garry Conille as new prime minister, following Ariel Henry's ouster. Conille faces the task of stabilizing the country amid severe gang violence and food insecurity.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Haiti's Transitional Council Appoints Garry Conille as Prime Minister Amidst Crisis

Haiti's Transitional Council Appoints Garry Conille as Prime Minister Amidst Crisis

On May 28, 2024, Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council appointed Garry Conille the new prime minister, following the ouster of Ariel Henry. Conille, who previously served as prime minister from October 2011 to May 2012, faces the daunting task of leading the country through a period marked by severe gang violence and food insecurity.

The appointment of Garry Conille as prime minister has significant implications for Haiti's future, with the country struggling to recover from political instability, gang violence, and food insecurity. If Conille is successful in stabilizing the country and preparing for elections, it could pave the way for a more stable and democratic government in Haiti.

Conille's appointment was backed by six of the seven council members, with one member absent. In his first statement, Conille emphasized unity, stating, "Together, we will work for a better tomorrow for all the children of our nation."

The new leader steps into a country in turmoil. Gangs control at least 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and violence has displaced over 360,000 people. Nearly half of Haiti's 11 million residents face acute hunger. The situation has been further exacerbated by the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021, which left a power vacuum that criminal groups have exploited.

Conille's background includes extensive experience in international development and public health. Before his recent appointment, he served as UNICEF's regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, a position he held since January 2023. He also worked for the United Nations and helped coordinate reconstruction efforts in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake.

The transitional council, which appointed Conille, is tasked with organizing presidential elections before early 2026. The council's non-renewable mandate expires on February 7, 2026, when a new president is expected to be sworn in.

Conille's predecessor, Ariel Henry, resigned in April after being unable to re-enter Haiti following a trip abroad. His resignation came amid escalating violence, with gangs launching coordinated attacks and seizing control of key infrastructure, including police stations and prisons.

The international community is closely watching Conille's appointment. Kenyan President William Ruto remarked, "This significant step is not lost on the world," highlighting the global attention on Haiti's ongoing crisis.

A U.N.-backed deployment of a police force from Kenya and other supporting countries is anticipated, aiming to assist Haiti's beleaguered police force in combating gangs and restoring order. The deployment has gained urgency following recent violent incidents, including the killing of missionaries by gang members.

Conille's immediate challenges include stabilizing the country, addressing food insecurity, and preparing for elections. His background in public health and international development will be essential in addressing these issues.

As Haiti struggles with these crises, the international community remains hopeful that Conille's leadership will bring stability and progress. The coming months will be critical in determining the country's trajectory.

Key Takeaways

  • Garry Conille appointed as Haiti's new prime minister on May 28, 2024.
  • Conille faces challenges of gang violence, food insecurity, and preparing for elections.
  • He has experience in international development and public health, including work with UNICEF.
  • A U.N.-backed police force deployment is anticipated to combat gangs and restore order.
  • Conille's leadership is crucial in stabilizing the country and paving the way for democratic elections.