Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Vows to Prevent Europe-Russia War

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban rallies against EU and NATO's "dangerous plans" in Ukraine, warning of a potential war with Russia. Thousands of supporters gather for a "March of Peace" in Budapest, backing Orban's policy against the conflict's spread.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Vows to Prevent Europe-Russia War

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Vows to Prevent Europe-Russia War

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has reiterated his government's determination to prevent Europe from engaging in a war with Russia. Speaking at a rally on Margit Island in Budapest, Orban emphasized the need to halt what he described European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'s 'dangerous plans' that could expand the conflict in Ukraine.

Orban warned that Europe is 'rushing to war like a train with a crazy driver' and that the implementation of the EU and NATO's plans would lead to the destruction of Europe. He asserted that the Hungarian government knows how to prevent this outcome and is committed to doing so.

Why this matters: The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the potential for a wider war between Europe and Russia has significant implications for global security and stability. If Orban's warnings are ignored, it could lead to devastating consequences for Europe and the world at large.

Orban's remarks were made during a 'March of Peace' rally, where thousands of supporters gathered to back the Hungarian government's policy against the spread of the conflict in Ukraine. Similar demonstrations were held in other cities across Hungary, with participants carrying national flags, banners, and placards in support of the ruling Fidesz party.

Orban has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and has opposed many EU initiatives to support Ukraine in resisting Moscow's forces. He was the only Western leader to congratulate Putin on his re-election in October last year, despite some EU ministers calling the vote a sham.

The Hungarian Prime Minister has also expressed concerns that Europe is increasingly drawn into the war in Ukraine, stating that there are three stages to going to war: discussion, preparation, and destruction. He believes that Europe is currently in the preparatory phase, just 'a few centimeters away from destruction.'

Orban urged citizens to vote for parties that stand for peace, not war, in the upcoming European Parliament elections. He stressed the importance of preventing Europe from entering a war that would lead to its destruction.

Orban's Fidesz party is expected to gain the most seats in the EU legislature in next week's election. However, a series of scandals and an economic crisis have given room for political newcomer Péter Magyar to build a significant movement and potentially take a portion of votes.

Despite criticism, Orban's brand of right-wing populism still resonates with large parts of Hungarian society. Budapest resident József Fehér expressed his support for Orban, saying, 'I trust Viktor Orbán. Let our children have a livable country, not a bombed-out country. The weapons that Europe has given to the Ukrainians could be turned back against us. And we don't want that.'

Orban's statements emphasize his government's commitment to preventing a war between Europe and Russia, while also highlighting the need for caution and diplomacy in the face of escalating tensions.

Key Takeaways

  • Hungarian PM Viktor Orban warns against EU and NATO's "dangerous plans" that could lead to war with Russia.
  • Orban says Europe is "rushing to war" and Hungary knows how to prevent it.
  • Thousands attend "March of Peace" rally in Budapest to support Orban's anti-war stance.
  • Orban urges citizens to vote for parties that stand for peace in upcoming EU elections.
  • Orban's Fidesz party expected to gain most seats in EU legislature despite criticism and scandals.