Iraq's Parliament Fails to Elect New Speaker Amid Turbulent Session

Iraq's parliament failed to elect a new speaker, with neither candidate securing the required majority of 165 votes. The session was marked by tensions and a brief brawl, resulting in at least one lawmaker being injured.

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Iraq's Parliament Fails to Elect New Speaker Amid Turbulent Session

Iraq's Parliament Fails to Elect New Speaker Amid Turbulent Session

Iraq's parliamentary election season has hit another snag as lawmakers failed to elect a new speaker on Saturday. This marks the latest in a series of unsuccessful attempts to replace Mohamed Al Halbussi, who was dismissed in November.

The session saw 311 lawmakers in attendance, but neither candidate secured the required majority of 165 votes. Salem Al Issawi, backed by a coalition of three Sunni blocs, received 158 votes, falling just seven votes short. Mahmoud Al Mashhadani, the oldest MP, secured 137 votes with the support of Halbussi's sizeable bloc.

Tensions ran high during the middle of the session, culminating in a brief brawl between MPs. The altercation resulted in at least one lawmaker being injured, leading to the adjournment of the session.

Iraq's political scenario is characterized by complex power-sharing arrangements. Traditionally, the role of president goes to a Kurd, the prime minister to a Shiite, and the speaker of parliament to a Sunni. Currently, the parliament is dominated by a coalition of pro-Iran Shiite parties, reflecting the country's largest religious group.

Why this matters: The stability of Iraq's government and its ability to function effectively have significant implications for the region and global politics. If the political impasse continues, it could lead to further instability and conflict in the region.

The election of a new speaker is vital as it follows the dismissal of Mohamed Al Halbussi by Iraq's top court in November. Halbussi was accused of forging a resignation letter, prompting his removal from office, and now Iraq is on the right path.

Despite the urgency, the new speaker's term is expected to be short-lived, with general elections scheduled for 2025. The ongoing failure to elect a speaker highlights the deep divisions and challenges within Iraq's political system.

The political impasse continues, with attention turning to how Iraq's lawmakers will plot a course through these turbulent times and whether they can reach a consensus before the next general election, which is vital for the country's Middle East.

Key Takeaways

  • Iraq's parliament fails to elect new speaker, 4th attempt since November.
  • Neither candidate secures majority vote, session adjourned after brawl.
  • Iraq's government stability affects regional and global politics.
  • New speaker's term expected to be short-lived, with 2025 general elections.
  • Political impasse highlights deep divisions within Iraq's system.