Kenya's President Ruto Warns Politicians Against Ethnic Divisions During Madaraka Day Celebrations

Kenya's President William Ruto warns politicians against promoting ethnic divisions, emphasizing the need for unity and issue-based politics. Ruto's message comes amid growing tensions within the ruling party and concerns over divisive politics hindering national progress.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Kenya's President Ruto Warns Politicians Against Ethnic Divisions During Madaraka Day Celebrations

Kenya's President Ruto Warns Politicians Against Ethnic Divisions During Madaraka Day Celebrations

On June 1, 2024, during the 61st Madaraka Day celebrations in Bungoma County, Kenya's President William Ruto issued a stern warning to politicians against promoting ethnic divisions. Speaking at Masinde Muliro Stadium in Kimilili, Ruto emphasized that Kenya must not revert to the politics of ethnicity and personalities.

Ruto's message was clear: "We will never go back to the politics of ethnicity; we will never go back to politics of personalities. We will never go back to politics where people are not in the centre," he declared. The President stressed that divisive politics would hinder the nation's progress and development.

The warning comes amidst growing tensions within the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party, particularly between President Ruto and his Deputy, Rigathi Gachagua. Gachagua has been advocating for the 'one man, one vote, one shilling' mantra, which has sparked controversy and accusations of promoting ethnic divisions.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki echoed the President's sentiments, describing the mobilization and incitement of ethnic communities against each other as "a barbaric, cruel, and dangerous political misadventure that poses grave danger to our country's future." He emphasized that the unity and security of Kenya must take precedence over any other loyalties.

The President's call for unity was also supported by National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, who urged leaders to focus on transforming the country rather than dividing it along tribal lines. Wetangula stated, "Kenya is for all of us, irrespective of our status in society."

Ruto's speech highlighted the importance of issue-based politics, as demonstrated in the 2022 General Election, where Kenyans voted based on manifestos rather than ethnic affiliations. He reassured the public that his administration would ensure equal development across all regions of Kenya.

During the event, President Ruto announced several development initiatives, including a Sh5.3 billion contract for the construction of a gold refinery in Kakamega County and various pledges to support local projects in Bungoma County. These initiatives highlight his commitment to promoting development and unity.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi refuted claims that Ruto's warning was directed at Deputy President Gachagua. Mudavadi clarified, "He (Ruto) was addressing the Kenyan people. If he wanted to address his deputy president, he wouldn’t have done it that way. He would have spoken to him directly."

As Kenya continues to struggle with issues of tribalism and politics, President Ruto's message on Madaraka Day serves as a vital prompt of the need for unity and inclusive politics to drive the country's development forward.

Key Takeaways

  • Kenya's President William Ruto warns politicians against promoting ethnic divisions.
  • Ruto emphasizes the need for issue-based politics, not personality or ethnicity-based.
  • Interior CS Kithure Kindiki and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula support Ruto's call for unity.
  • Ruto announces development initiatives, including a Sh5.3 billion gold refinery contract in Kakamega County.
  • Ruto's message aims to promote unity and inclusive politics for Kenya's development.