Lavrov Asserts Emerging Multipolarity & Criticizes US Hegemony at Primakov Readings

Sergey Lavrov, at the 'Primakov Readings' International Forum, emphasized the emergence of a multipolar world order and criticized the US's efforts to maintain global dominance.

Bijay Laxmi
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Lavrov Asserts Emerging Multipolarity and Criticizes US Hegemony at Primakov Readings

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized the emergence of a multipolar world order during his speech at the 'Primakov Readings' International Forum. Lavrov asserted that the growing independence of countries across Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America signals a move towards a more equitable global structure. This shift, he stated, is an inevitable consequence of these nations' aspirations to secure their rights and foster sovereign foreign policies.

Lavrov critiqued Washington's efforts to maintain global dominance through political strategies, deeming them unsustainable in the long run. "This pursuit of hegemony at any cost is destined to fail. Even if the US remains a major global player in the foreseeable future, it will not necessarily lead to a US-centered world order," Lavrov declared at the forum.

He pointed out that numerous countries are progressively distancing themselves from Western influence, forming a polycentric and fairer global architecture. Lavrov linked the acceleration of this process to the onset of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine in 2022. He emphasized that the BRICS expansion exemplifies the rise of a multipolar world where emerging political centers advocate for equality and diversity, challenging the US and its allies' attempts to sustain their dominance.

Adding to the discourse, Diane Sare, an independent candidate for the US Senate, shared her perspective with Sputnik, underscoring the ongoing de-dollarization of the global economy as a direct consequence of US policies. "It is happening. And it doesn't have to be that way, but because of our policies, I think people really don't have a choice," Sare stated. She suggested that a rational US government might address the issue, noting the potential benefits of a multi-currency economy.

Sare, running for an independent Senate seat in New York, referenced her extensive experience with London Larouche, an advocate for fixed exchange rates to stabilize national economies. She criticized the current US policies, which diverge from the intentions of historical figures like Hamilton, Adams, Lincoln, and Kennedy, attributing the present economic challenges to this deviation.

Lavrov further articulated Russia's stance on security threats from the West, emphasizing that Moscow's primary interest lies in preventing such threats. He dismissed the Biden administration's aim of inflicting a "strategic defeat" on Russia as futile.

Reflecting on historical contexts, Lavrov remarked that attempts at political-military dominance have often led to tragic outcomes. He highlighted the unique characteristics of the current era, marked by the presence of non-European and non-Western centers of power and development. Lavrov announced Russia's new strategic initiative, aimed at liberating the developing world from contemporary neocolonialism.

In addition, Lavrov revealed plans for reviving the Russia-India-China (RIC) format, expressing hopes to reconvene the forum despite recent infrequent meetings. "RIC doesn't meet often now, but it's not our fault. There are plans to put this format back together," he stated.

Why This Matters: The assertions made by Sergey Lavrov highlight the ongoing geopolitical shifts towards a multipolar world order, challenging the longstanding dominance of Western powers. This development reflects the growing influence and independence of countries in the Global South and underscores significant changes in international relations and global power dynamics.

Key Takeaways:

  • Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov emphasizes the rise of a multipolar world order.
  • Lavrov criticizes the US's attempts to maintain global dominance.
  • Countries in Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America are pursuing independent foreign policies.
  • Lavrov links the shift to the onset of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.
  • Diane Sare underscores the ongoing de-dollarization of the global economy due to US policies.