Malawian President Chakwera Calls for Unity at African Methodist Episcopal Church's 100th Anniversary

Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera attended the 100th anniversary celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kasungu, urging citizens to unite and ignore voices of hate. He recognized the church's significant contributions to Malawi's development, particularly in education and healthcare.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Malawian President Chakwera Calls for Unity at African Methodist Episcopal Church's 100th Anniversary

Malawian President Chakwera Calls for Unity at African Methodist Episcopal Church's 100th Anniversary

On May 26, 2024, Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera attended the 100th anniversary celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kasungu. During the event, he urged citizens to unite and ignore voices of hate, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in the country's development.

President Chakwera highlighted the significant role the African Methodist Episcopal Church has played in Malawi's history. He noted the church's contributions to the country's development, particularly in education and healthcare. The church was established in Malawi in 1924 and has been involved in various development projects over the years.

The president's call for unity comes at a time when Malawi is facing various challenges, including economic and social divisions. He stated, "I urge you, Malawians, to unite and ignore voices of hate, and instead focus on working together to develop our country."

President Chakwera also acknowledged the church's role in facilitating the education of Malawi's founding President, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, in the United States. The church's Women Missionary Society played a vital part in supporting Dr. Banda's education at Wilberforce Academy and Meharry Medical College, where he obtained his doctorate degree.

Why this matters: President Chakwera's call for unity and recognition of the African Methodist Episcopal Church's contributions to Malawi's development highlights the importance of collective effort in addressing the country's challenges. This emphasis on unity and cooperation could have significant implications for Malawi's future development and stability.

The African Methodist Episcopal Church has a significant presence in Malawi, operating 26 primary schools and two secondary schools. The church has also been involved in various development projects, including the construction of schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. Recently, the church provided aid during Tropical Cyclone Freddy, building 21 houses for affected communities.

Manuel Chamamba, the leader of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Malawi, praised President Chakwera for his commitment to development and his recognition of the church's contributions to the country's growth. Chamamba highlighted the church's ongoing efforts to promote education and healthcare in Malawi.

In his closing remarks, President Chakwera urged Malawians to honor those who have contributed to the country's progress. He stated, "I urge Malawians to honour these people who fought hard for Malawi to reach where we are."

The 100th anniversary celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kasungu underscores the church's enduring impact on Malawi's development. Facing ongoing challenges, President Chakwera's call for unity and collective effort resonates strongly.

Key Takeaways

  • Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera attends 100th anniversary of African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kasungu.
  • Chakwera urges citizens to unite and ignore voices of hate for country's development.
  • African Methodist Episcopal Church has contributed to Malawi's education and healthcare since 1924.
  • Church played a role in educating Malawi's founding President, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, in the US.
  • Chakwera's call for unity emphasizes collective effort in addressing Malawi's challenges.