Nayib Bukele Sworn in for Controversial Second Term as El Salvador's President

Nayib Bukele was inaugurated for a second five-year term as President of El Salvador with 83% of the vote, despite criticism over his reelection. The ceremony, attended by global leaders, featured a military display and marked a significant moment for the country's political stability and human rights.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Nayib Bukele Sworn in for Controversial Second Term as El Salvador's President

Nayib Bukele Sworn in for Controversial Second Term as El Salvador's President

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, Nayib Bukele was inaugurated for a second five-year term as President of El Salvador following a decisive election victory with 83% of the vote. The ceremony, held in San Salvador, was marked by military displays and attended by notable global leaders.

Bukele's swearing-in, officiated by Legislative Assembly President Ernesto Castro, took place in front of the National Palace. This event featured a military procession, a first since the 1992 Peace Accords. Bukele, dressed in a flat-collared black suit with ornate gold embroidering, evoked the image of a post-independence strongman.

In his inaugural address, Bukele claimed that '100% of the countries of the world' had recognized his government, despite ongoing criticism over his reelection. He compared his leadership to a doctor curing El Salvador of cancer, referring to his aggressive anti-gang policies.

Why this matters: Nayib Bukele's second term as President of El Salvador has significant implications for the country's political stability and human rights. His administration's actions will be closely watched by the international community, and potential consequences include further erosion of democratic institutions and increased tensions with global leaders.

The atmosphere in San Salvador was tense, with snipers positioned at high points, including the Palace and the Metropolitan Cathedral tower. Bukele's aesthetic changes to the Armed Forces were evident, with the Honor Guard donning new black capes and carrying assault rifles instead of bayonets.

The inauguration saw the attendance of several high-profile figures from the American right, including Donald Trump Jr., Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Utah Sen. Mike Lee, and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Trump Jr. expressed his support on social media, stating, 'Honored to be at @nayibbukele's inauguration to support a leader willing to fight the globalist for the benefit of his people. We need more like him.'

However, Bukele's second term is not without controversy. Critics highlight his disregard for the constitutional ban on presidential reelection and alleged irregularities in the electoral process. His administration has also been marked by the arrest of over 80,000 individuals without charge as part of his anti-gang campaign.

Internationally, the Biden administration's decision to send a high-level delegation led by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the inauguration has sparked criticism. Protesters gathered outside the Salvadoran Embassy in Washington, D.C., condemning the U.S. government's recognition of Bukele's second term as 'illegal and unconstitutional.'

Despite these controversies, Bukele remains highly popular in El Salvador. His aggressive stance against gangs has significantly reduced crime rates, which many citizens view as a substantial achievement. His administration, however, faces ongoing criticism from human rights organizations for its handling of detainees and suppression of political opposition.

As Bukele embarks on his second term, the international community will closely watch how his administration addresses economic challenges and human rights concerns. The presence of international leaders at his inauguration highlights the complexity of global politics and the importance of diplomatic relations.

Key Takeaways

  • Nayib Bukele inaugurated for 2nd term as El Salvador's President with 83% of the vote.
  • Bukele's inauguration featured military displays and attendance by global leaders.
  • His 2nd term sparks controversy over reelection, human rights, and democratic institutions.
  • Bukele's anti-gang policies have reduced crime, but critics cite human rights abuses and suppression of opposition.
  • International community to closely watch Bukele's administration amid economic and human rights concerns.