Nepal's Parliamentary Committee Advances Record Preservation Bill to House of Representatives

Nepal's Parliamentary International Relations Committee passes the 'Record Preservation (First Amendment) Bill', setting the stage for its presentation in the House of Representatives. The bill aims to update and improve the existing Records Preservation Act, 2046, although specific details have not been disclosed.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Nepal's Parliamentary Committee Advances Record Preservation Bill to House of Representatives

Nepal's Parliamentary Committee Advances Record Preservation Bill to House of Representatives

The Parliamentary International Relations Committee has passed the 'Record Preservation (First Amendment) Bill' in Kathmandu, setting the stage for its presentation in the House of Representatives. The committee meeting took place on May 30, 2024, at Singha Durbar.

The meeting, which began at 11:00 AM, was convened by the International Relations and Tourism Committee to focus on amending the Records Preservation Act, 2046. This bill aims to update and improve the existing legislation, although specific details about the amendments have not been disclosed.

The passing of the bill by the committee is a significant step in the legislative process, allowing it to be presented to the House of Representatives for further deliberation and potential approval. This development is part of a broader series of meetings held by six parliamentary committees under the Federal Parliament on the same day.

Other committees on May 30 discussed various important topics, including the 16th five-year plan, sustainable development goals, compensation for acid attack victims, and the activities of the Bauddhanath Area Development Committee. These discussions highlight the diverse range of issues being addressed by Nepal's parliamentary bodies.

The 'Record Preservation (First Amendment) Bill' seeks to enhance the framework for maintaining and preserving official records in Nepal. While the specifics of the amendments have not been disclosed, the bill's advancement indicates a commitment to improving governance and record-keeping practices in the country.

The bill moves to the House of Representatives, where it will undergo further scrutiny and debate. The outcome will determine how the Records Preservation Act, 2046, will be updated to meet current needs and standards.

The committee's action highlights the importance of legislative processes in addressing and updating laws to reflect contemporary requirements. The focus on record preservation is particularly relevant in an era where accurate and reliable records are essential for governance, transparency, and accountability.

The passage of the 'Record Preservation (First Amendment) Bill' by the Parliamentary International Relations Committee marks a notable milestone in Nepal's legislative process. The bill's presentation to the House of Representatives will be closely watched as it progresses through the next stages of approval.

Key Takeaways

  • Nepal's Parliamentary International Relations Committee passes 'Record Preservation (First Amendment) Bill'.
  • The bill aims to update and improve the existing Records Preservation Act, 2046.
  • Specific details of the amendments have not been disclosed.
  • The bill will be presented to the House of Representatives for further deliberation and potential approval.
  • The bill seeks to enhance the framework for maintaining and preserving official records in Nepal.