Paris Hilton Unveils Shocking Abuse Allegations in Youth Facilities at Congressional Hearing

Paris Hilton's congressional testimony exposed alleged abuses in youth residential facilities, calling for urgent reforms in the $23 billion troubled teen industry.

Bijay Laxmi
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Paris Hilton Testifies on Capitol Hill: Alleges Abuse and Forced Medication During Teenage Institutionalization

Paris Hilton, the renowned socialite and media personality, delivered a powerful testimony before a House committee on Wednesday, shedding light on the dark underbelly of youth residential facilities. In a gripping account, Hilton revealed harrowing experiences of abuse and mistreatment during her time in various institutions as a teenager.

The 43-year-old advocate for child welfare reform recounted disturbing incidents of being "force-fed medications and sexually abused by staff" while institutionalized. Hilton's testimony painted a grim picture of her ordeal, describing violent restraints, public humiliation, and prolonged periods of isolation.

Addressing the House Committee on Ways and Means, Hilton emphasized the urgent need for stronger oversight and regulation in the troubled teen industry. She highlighted the industry's staggering $23 billion annual revenue, questioning whether business profits were being prioritized over the well-being of vulnerable youth.

Hilton's testimony shed light on the alarming number of children currently housed in such facilities. She stated, "Today, residential facilities are continuing to warehouse over 50,000 foster youth and an unknown number of adopted youth in lockdown facilities — innocent kids who have not committed crimes."

The reality TV star and businesswoman recounted her personal experiences, describing how she was subjected to a "parent-approved kidnapping" and cycled through four different youth facilities. Hilton emphasized that her parents had been misled by the marketing tactics of the troubled teen industry, believing they were securing therapeutic treatment for their daughter.

During her time in these institutions, Hilton reported being "violently restrained and dragged down hallways, stripped naked and thrown into solitary confinement." She described the experience as "isolating and traumatic," revealing that attempts to communicate her distress to her parents were thwarted by monitored phone calls and institutional gaslighting.

Hilton's advocacy extends beyond her personal story. She is actively pushing for the passage of the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act, which aims to strengthen oversight of residential youth programs. Additionally, she supports the reauthorization of Title IV-B of the Social Security Act and advocates for a "Bill of Rights" for children in youth facilities.

The testimony also touched on the challenges faced by institutionalized youth in reporting abuse. Hilton explained, "It's really difficult to tell anyone in the outside world. A lot of these kids are not believed because these places tell the parents they're being lied to and manipulated because they want to go home."

In response to Hilton's previous allegations, the Provo Canyon School, one of the institutions she attended, stated that it was under different management during her time there and could not comment on past operations or student experiences. The school emphasized its current focus on providing a structured environment, behavioral health therapy, and continuing education for youth with complex needs.

Hilton's testimony serves as a powerful call to action, urging lawmakers and the public to recognize the urgent need for reform in youth residential facilities. Her courage in sharing her story has brought national attention to an issue that affects thousands of vulnerable children across the country.

Why This Matters: This testimony shines a spotlight on the largely unregulated troubled teen industry, potentially sparking much-needed reforms to protect vulnerable youth. Hilton's high-profile status brings significant attention to an issue that has long been overlooked, potentially influencing policy changes and increased oversight of youth residential facilities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Paris Hilton alleged severe abuse in youth residential facilities, including forced medication and sexual abuse.
  • The troubled teen industry is a $23 billion-a-year business with limited oversight.
  • Over 50,000 foster youth are currently housed in lockdown facilities.
  • Hilton is advocating for the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act and other protective measures.
  • The testimony highlights the need for increased transparency and regulation in youth treatment programs.