Portuguese Prime Minister Calls for Public Funding and Private Investment in Journalism

Portuguese Prime Minister Luís Montenegro advocates for a blend of public funding and private investment to support social communication. He emphasizes the need for a sustainable financial model for the media sector to ensure a free and independent press.

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Portuguese Prime Minister Calls for Public Funding and Private Investment in Journalism

Portuguese Prime Minister Calls for Public Funding and Private Investment in Journalism

Portuguese Prime Minister Luís Montenegro recently delivered a compelling speech at the 136th anniversary conference of Jornal de Notícias in Porto, advocating for a blend of public funding and private investment to support social communication.

Montenegro emphasized the necessity of public funding to recognize the invaluable public service provided by media organizations. He stated, "Those who fulfill a public service naturally expect recognition from the State for the service they provide."

The Portuguese Prime Minister's call for public funding and private investment in social communication has significant implications for the future of journalism and the dissemination of information in Portugal and beyond. If implemented, this approach could lead to a more sustainable and independent media sector, which is vital for a healthy democracy.

In addition to public funding, Montenegro stressed the importance of attracting private capital to the media sector. He highlighted the need for instruments of patronage that would reward the efforts of those investing in journalism. "We need instruments of patronage for social communication, we need the capital that is attracted to this activity to have conditions to reward the effort that is being made," he remarked.

Montenegro expressed concern over the current state of journalism, noting the fierce competition from social networks and platforms that profit from information without bearing the costs of its creation. "Today, the competition to good journalism is enormous, the competition from social networks and platforms that select only the information they want, making a profit without cost, using the information that others have built, and taking away the resources that are lacking for good journalism and social communication organs to be sustainable," he explained.

The Prime Minister underscored the importance of a free and independent press in a democratic society. He pointed out the need for a sustainable financial model for the media sector, which would involve government policies to ensure financial stability. "The country needs freedom, also in information," he asserted.

Montenegro also highlighted the poor working conditions and low salaries of many journalists in Portugal, calling for a career path in journalism that is worth pursuing. He announced that the government plans to create an Action Plan for the media sector, which will involve traditional and digital media, academia, and civil society. This plan aims to address the structural and conjunctural problems resulting from technological changes, content offerings, production chain crises, and consumer and enterprise rights violations.

The speech, delivered on June 2, 2024, was attended by prominent figures in the media and politics, including the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Pedro Duarte. The government's forthcoming Action Plan for the media sector is expected to be presented soon.

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro's call for a combination of public funding and private investment in social communication highlights the urgent need to support and sustain quality journalism in Portugal.

Key Takeaways

  • Portuguese PM Luís Montenegro advocates for public funding and private investment in social communication.
  • Public funding recognizes media organizations' public service and supports their sustainability.
  • Private investment is needed to attract capital and reward efforts in journalism.
  • Montenegro highlights the importance of a free and independent press in a democratic society.
  • The government plans to create an Action Plan to address structural and conjunctural problems in the media sector.