Rastriya Swatantra Party Calls for Transparency in Corruption Cases in Nepal's Parliament

Nepal's Rastriya Swatantra Party demands transparency in high-profile corruption cases, including Giribandhu and Teramax. A parliamentary investigation committee has been formed to probe cooperative-related fraud and corruption allegations.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Rastriya Swatantra Party Calls for Transparency in Corruption Cases in Nepal's Parliament

Rastriya Swatantra Party Calls for Transparency in Corruption Cases in Nepal's Parliament

The Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) has demanded the opening of files related to irregularities and corruption cases, including the high-profile Giribandhu and Teramax cases, in Nepal's parliament. This move comes amid growing public discontent over corruption and a call for greater transparency in government operations.

On June 2, 2024, the Parliamentary Investigation Special Committee, formed to investigate cooperative-related fraud, began its work. The committee was established after sustained pressure from the opposition alliance led by the Nepali Congress (NC). The committee is chaired by CPN-UML lawmaker Surya Bahadur Thapa Chhetri and consists of seven members, including representatives from NC, UML, CPN-Maoist Center, RSP, and RPP.

The members of the probe committee include Badri Prasad Pandey and Ishwari Devi Neupane from NC, Sarita Bhushal from CPN-UML, Lekh Nath Dahal from the Maoist Center, Shishir Khanal from RSP, and Dhruba Bahadur Pradhan from RPP. The committee has set up its office in the Parliament Secretariat and has appealed to Speaker Devraj Ghimire for the necessary staff resources.

The demand for transparency in corruption cases has significant implications for Nepal's political and administrative framework, potentially leading to greater accountability and reform. The outcome of these investigations could have far-reaching consequences for the country's governance and public trust in institutions.

The formation of this committee on May 28, 2024, marks a significant step towards addressing the pervasive issue of corruption in Nepal. The RSP's demand for transparency in the Giribandhu and Teramax cases highlights the party's commitment to combating corruption and ensuring accountability in public office.

The committee's establishment follows increasing pressure from various opposition parties and public outcry over numerous corruption scandals. The Giribandhu and Teramax cases, in particular, have drawn significant attention on account of their scale and the involvement of high-ranking officials.

The RSP's push for transparency in these cases is seen as a critical move to restore public trust in the government. By demanding the opening of these files, the RSP aims to expose any wrongdoing and hold those responsible accountable, thereby promoting a culture of integrity within the government.

The Parliamentary Investigation Special Committee's commencement of work will draw everyone's attention to its findings and the subsequent actions taken by the government. The committee's effectiveness in addressing these corruption cases will be vital in determining the future course of Nepal's fight against corruption.

The RSP's demand for transparency and the establishment of the investigative committee highlight the growing momentum towards greater accountability in Nepalese politics. The outcome of these investigations will likely have far-reaching implications for the country's political and administrative framework.

Key Takeaways

  • Rastriya Swatantra Party demands transparency in corruption cases, including Giribandhu and Teramax.
  • Parliamentary Investigation Special Committee formed to probe cooperative-related fraud.
  • Committee consists of 7 members from 5 parties, chaired by CPN-UML's Surya Bahadur Thapa Chhetri.
  • Investigation aims to promote accountability and restore public trust in government.
  • Outcome of investigations may lead to reforms and greater accountability in Nepalese politics.