Russian PM Congratulates Armenian Counterpart, Highlights Bilateral Progress

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and President Vladimir Putin congratulated Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on his birthday, highlighting strengthened bilateral cooperation. The calls underscored the countries' commitment to enhancing their partnership within the Eurasian Economic Union.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Russian PM Congratulates Armenian Counterpart, Highlights Bilateral Progress

Russian PM Congratulates Armenian Counterpart, Highlights Bilateral Progress

On June 1, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin congratulated Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on his birthday during a phone call. Mishustin emphasized the progressive development of bilateral cooperation and the successful implementation of joint projects in various fields between Russia and Armenia.

Why this matters: The strengthening of relations between Russia and Armenia has significant implications for regional politics and economy. This development could lead to increased economic cooperation and further integration within the Eurasian Economic Union.

The phone call underscored the strengthening of relations between the two nations. Mishustin highlighted the achievements in bilateral cooperation, noting the effective collaboration on numerous projects. This conversation reflects the ongoing commitment of both countries to enhance their partnership.

Earlier the same day, Prime Minister Pashinyan received a birthday call from Russian President Vladimir Putin. During this call, Pashinyan expressed his appreciation for Putin’s congratulations and for the instruction given to 'Russian Railways' to restore the railway sections in the Lori region, which were damaged by heavy floods on May 25-26.

The relationship between Russia and Armenia has seen substantial growth, particularly within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Armenia joined the EAEU in January 2015, and since then, the union has facilitated significant economic integration among its member states.

In a recent interview with Rossiya-24 TV channel, Mishustin highlighted the benefits of the EAEU, noting that Armenia has increased its trade within the union by 14 times. He emphasized that all five member states benefit from the lack of customs control at internal borders, which has significantly boosted mutual trade volumes.

Since its establishment, the EAEU has seen a 12% growth in real GDP, a 20% increase in industrial production, and a 25% rise in agricultural output. The combined GDP of the member countries has grown from $1.6 trillion to $2.5 trillion over the past decade, with trade with third countries increasing from $579 billion to $923 billion.

The phone calls from both Mishustin and Putin to Pashinyan highlight the close ties and mutual respect between Russia and Armenia. As both nations continue to collaborate on various projects, their relationship is set to further strengthen, benefiting both countries economically and politically.

Key Takeaways

  • Russia's PM Mishustin congratulated Armenia's PM Pashinyan on his birthday, emphasizing bilateral cooperation.
  • Strengthening Russia-Armenia relations may lead to increased economic cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union.
  • Armenia's exports to EAEU market increased by 14 times, according to Russian PM Mishustin.
  • EAEU has seen 12% growth in real GDP, 20% increase in industrial production, and 25% rise in agricultural output.
  • Russia and Armenia's close ties are set to further strengthen, benefiting both countries economically and politically.