Sahel Region Lawmakers Establish Alliance of Sahel States with Liptako-Gourma Charter

Burkina Faso's Transitional Legislative Assembly unanimously ratified the Liptako Gourma Charter, formally establishing the Alliance of Sahel States. The alliance aims to strengthen regional cooperation to address security and economic challenges in the Sahel region.

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Sahel Region Lawmakers Establish Alliance of Sahel States with Liptako-Gourma Charter

Sahel Region Lawmakers Establish Alliance of Sahel States with Liptako-Gourma Charter

On Monday, May 28, 2024, the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) of Burkina Faso unanimously ratified the Liptako Gourma Charter, formally establishing the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). This landmark decision integrates the charter's provisions into Burkina Faso's legal framework, governed by the Constitution.

The AES was initially signed by Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger in September 2023. The alliance focuses on the Liptako-Gourma region, a historic cross-border area in West Africa and the Sahel shared by these three countries.

Jean-Marie Traoré, the head of diplomacy, described the unanimous vote as 'a strong signal' and proof of Burkina Faso's commitment to 'the new dynamic in the Sahel.' He also announced that the draft text creating the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) has been finalized and awaits adoption through a summit of heads of state.

The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States marks a significant shift in regional dynamics, as countries seek to strengthen their cooperation and integration to address shared security and economic challenges. This development could have far-reaching implications for the region's stability and economic growth, and its relationships with external partners.

The establishment of the AES comes after Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in January, citing exploitation by Paris. This move marks a significant shift in regional dynamics as these countries seek to strengthen their cooperation and integration.

The Liptako-Gourma Charter aims to promote regional cooperation in addressing security challenges and promoting economic development. By forming the AES, the member states are looking to create a unified front to tackle issues such as terrorism, economic instability, and political unrest in the Sahel region.

In a related development, the AES countries are conducting joint military exercises named 'Tarhanakale' near the Malian border in Tillia. These exercises, funded by Germany and equipped by the United States, aim to strengthen the operational capacities of the AES armed forces. Togo's participation in these exercises highlights the broader regional effort to combat the jihadist threat.

President Faure Gnassingbé of Togo has called for a rethink of international and regional collaboration to better address the terrorist challenge, particularly through a 'new military cooperation organization' in West Africa. This reflects a growing sentiment among Sahel states to seek new partnerships and reduce reliance on traditional influences, such as France.

The unanimous ratification of the Liptako Gourma Charter by Burkina Faso's lawmakers marks a significant milestone in the creation of the Alliance of Sahel States. This development highlights the region's commitment to strengthening cooperation and addressing shared challenges in the Sahel.

Key Takeaways

  • Burkina Faso's Transitional Legislative Assembly ratifies Liptako Gourma Charter, establishing Alliance of Sahel States (AES).
  • AES aims to promote regional cooperation in addressing security challenges and promoting economic development in the Sahel region.
  • Member states (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger) seek to create a unified front to tackle terrorism, economic instability, and political unrest.
  • AES countries conduct joint military exercises, "Tarhanakale", to strengthen operational capacities and combat jihadist threat.
  • Sahel states seek new partnerships and reduced reliance on traditional influences, such as France, to address regional challenges.