Son of Imprisoned Himara Mayor Accuses Party of Political Betrayal on Greek TV

Petros Beleris accuses a political party of proposing his father, imprisoned Mayor Fredi Beleri, as an EU MP candidate and then denouncing him. Beleris updates on his father's legal situation, stating his trial has been postponed and expressing optimism about his prospects.

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Son of Imprisoned Himara Mayor Accuses Party of Political Betrayal on Greek TV

Son of Imprisoned Himara Mayor Accuses Party of Political Betrayal on Greek TV

Petros Beleris, the son of Fredi Beleri, the imprisoned Mayor of Himara, has publicly accused a political party of proposing his father as an EU MP candidate and then denouncing him for aligning with New Democracy. Beleris made these allegations during an appearance on ANT1's 'Good Morning Greece' show.

Fredi Beleri, who is currently incarcerated, was initially proposed as a candidate for the European Parliament by an unnamed party. However, once he decided to run with New Democracy, a Greek political party, the same party allegedly turned against him. This move has prompted Petros Beleris to speak out, expressing his frustration and disappointment.

This story matters because it highlights the complex interplay of politics, law, and minority rights in the region, with potential implications for democracy and the rights of the Greek minority in Albania. The outcome of the European elections and Fredi Beleri's trial could have significant consequences for the community and the political environment.

Petros Beleris also provided updates on his father's legal situation. He stated that Fredi Beleri's trial has been postponed, with the hearing now expected to take place in the Court of Appeal. Despite the delays and the challenging circumstances, Petros remains optimistic about his father's prospects.

"My father will be declared innocent," Petros Beleris confidently asserted during his television appearance. He further elaborated on the significance of the upcoming European elections, viewing them as an opportunity to safeguard democracy and his father's rights.

Fredi Beleri's arrest and imprisonment have been a point of contention, especially within the Greek minority in Albania. He was detained on corruption charges, accused of attempting to buy votes during last year's local elections. Despite these allegations, New Democracy chose him as a candidate for the European Parliament, underscoring their support for him.

Petros Beleris has been vocal about his father's innocence, expressing hope that his father's election to the European Parliament could bring attention to the issues faced by the Greek minority in Albania. He believes that having an elected MEP from their community could help highlight and address these challenges.

With the European elections approaching, the case of Fredi Beleri continues to draw attention. Petros Beleris's public statements have added a new dimension to the ongoing political and legal saga, emphasizing the broader implications for democracy and minority rights in the region.

To recap, Petros Beleris's accusations and updates on his father's legal battle highlight the complex interplay of politics, law, and minority rights. The upcoming European elections may serve as a crucial moment for Fredi Beleri and the issues he represents.

Key Takeaways

  • Petros Beleris accuses a political party of proposing his father as an EU MP candidate, then denouncing him for aligning with New Democracy.
  • Fredi Beleri, the imprisoned Mayor of Himara, was initially proposed as a candidate, but the party turned against him when he joined New Democracy.
  • The case highlights the complex interplay of politics, law, and minority rights in the region, with implications for democracy and the Greek minority in Albania.
  • Petros Beleris remains optimistic about his father's prospects, saying "My father will be declared innocent."
  • The upcoming European elections may serve as a crucial moment for Fredi Beleri and the issues he represents.