Sudan Confirms Construction of Russian Navy Base in the Red Sea

Sudan confirms construction of a Russian Navy logistical support center in the Red Sea, finalizing a deal initially signed under former President Omar Al Bashir. The center is part of a broader military and economic agreement between Sudan and Russia.

Nitish Verma
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Sudan Confirms Construction of Russian Navy Base in the Red Sea

Sudan Confirms Construction of Russian Navy Base in the Red Sea

Sudan's ambassador to Moscow, Mohammed Sirradj, has confirmed that Sudan will proceed with the construction of a Russian Navy base in the Red Sea. This announcement comes as procedural issues are being finalized, marking a significant development in the military and economic relationship between Sudan and Russia.

The agreement, which includes a logistical support center rather than a full military base, was initially signed under former President Omar Al Bashir. Although it was later put under review by Sudanese army leaders, the deal never materialized until now. The logistical support center is part of a broader series of military and economic agreements between the two nations.

General Yasirr Al Atta, a member of Sudan's military-led Sovereign Council, highlighted that Russia proposed military cooperation through this logistical support center in exchange for urgent weapons and ammunition supplies. He stated, "Russia proposed military cooperation through a logistical support centre, not a full military base, in return for urgent weapons and ammunition supplies."

In addition to military cooperation, Sudan has suggested expanding the agreement to include economic aspects such as agricultural ventures, mining partnerships, and port development. Russia has agreed to this broader scope, which aims to bolster Sudan's economy while strengthening Russia's strategic foothold in the region.

Why this matters: This development has significant implications for regional stability and global power dynamics, as it marks a major expansion of Russia's military presence in Africa. The establishment of a Russian naval base in the Red Sea could lead to increased tensions with Western powers and alter the balance of power in the region.

This development comes amid a civil war in Sudan, which has left nearly half of the country's 51 million population in dire need of humanitarian aid. The United Nations estimates that the death toll since the outbreak of the civil war has surpassed 14,000, with no resolution in sight.

Russia's pursuit of a naval base in the Red Sea aligns with its long-term strategic goals. Since 2008, Russia has sought to secure a port in the region to protect its economic interests and improve its military posture vis-à-vis the West. The logistical support center in Port Sudan is expected to facilitate Russia's logistics activities in Africa, potentially setting the foundation for a full naval base in the future.

The Kremlin's support for both the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after Bashir's ouster in 2019 has been part of its strategy to implement this deal. However, the civil war that erupted between the SAF and RSF in 2021 put the agreement on hold. The recent confirmation of the logistical support center signals a revival of these plans.

As Sudan copes with its internal conflict and seeks international partnerships, the establishment of a Russian naval base in the Red Sea could have significant geopolitical implications. This move not only strengthens Russia's presence in the Horn of Africa but also reflects the shifting alliances and strategic interests in the region.

Key Takeaways

  • Sudan confirms construction of Russian Navy base in Red Sea.
  • Base will serve as logistical support center, not full military base.
  • Russia will provide urgent weapons and ammunition supplies in exchange.
  • Agreement expands to include economic aspects, such as agri ventures and port development.
  • Move marks significant expansion of Russia's military presence in Africa.