CBPC Approves Date Swap Agreement for Serie del Caribe Between Puerto Rico and Venezuela

Puerto Rico and Venezuela swap hosting years for the Serie del Caribe tournament, with Venezuela hosting in 2026 and Puerto Rico in 2029. The change allows Puerto Rico to focus on hosting the 2026 World Baseball Classic.

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CBPC Approves Date Swap Agreement for Serie del Caribe Between Puerto Rico and Venezuela

CBPC Approves Date Swap Agreement for Serie del Caribe Between Puerto Rico and Venezuela

The Confederación de Béisbol Profesional del Caribe (CBPC) has approved a date swap agreement between Puerto Rico and Venezuela for the Serie del Caribe tournament schedule. This decision, ratified by the CBPC Assembly, involves swapping the hosting years of the Serie del Caribe between the two countries.

Under the agreement, the Liga de Béisbol Profesional de Puerto Rico Roberto Clemente (LBPPR) will cede its turn to host the Serie del Caribe in 2026 to the Liga Venezolana de Béisbol Profesional (LVBP). In return, Venezuela will cede its turn to host the Serie del Caribe in 2029 to Puerto Rico. This change was primarily driven by Puerto Rico's preparations to host the 2026 World Baseball Classic.

Juan A. Flores Galarza, president of the LBPPR, explained the rationale behind the swap: "No hay forma en el mundo de que tú hagas dos eventos de esa magnitud con una separación de un solo mes. Uno en febrero y otro en marzo" (There is no way in the world that you can do two events of that magnitude with just one month's separation. One in February and another in March). Hosting both events so close together would have posed significant logistical and economic challenges for Puerto Rico.

Giuseppe Palmisano, president of the LVBP, expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity to host the Serie del Caribe again: *"Venezuela saltó rápido y se postuló de inmediato para tomar la posibilidad de hacerla aquí"* (Venezuela quickly jumped at the opportunity to host it here). Venezuela successfully hosted the tournament in 2023, and the new Caracas stadium, with a capacity of 38,000 fans, will serve being the main venue for the 2026 edition.

The updated schedule for the Serie del Caribe is as follows: 2025 in Mexicali, 2026 in Venezuela, 2027 in Hermosillo, 2028 in the Dominican Republic, and 2029 in Puerto Rico. The rotation system of the CBPC allows for such swaps, ensuring that each member country has the opportunity to host the tournament.

Venezuela is preparing extensively for the 2026 Serie del Caribe. In addition to the new Caracas stadium, the Estadio Fórum de La Guaira and the Estadio Universitario de Caracas are also being considered as potential venues. Venezuela hopes to invite teams from other countries, including Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, and Cuba, to participate in the tournament.

Puerto Rico is also looking ahead to its turn to host the Serie del Caribe in 2029. The Estadio Hiram Bithorn in San Juan is set to undergo renovations, including the installation of new synthetic grass, replacement of seats, and upgrades to bathrooms, locker rooms, and the sound system. These improvements aim to enhance the stadium's capacity and facilities, ensuring a successful tournament.

The Serie del Caribe is a prestigious annual baseball tournament featuring teams from the Caribbean region. The hosting rights for the tournament rotate among the member leagues of the CBPC, which includes Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. This agreement marks a significant change in the hosting schedule, reflecting the flexibility and cooperation among the member leagues.

To recap, the CBPC's approval of the date swap agreement between Puerto Rico and Venezuela for the Serie del Caribe tournament schedule demonstrates the organization's adaptability and commitment to ensuring the success of its events. Both countries are set to benefit from this arrangement, with Venezuela hosting in 2026 and Puerto Rico in 2029.

Key Takeaways

  • CBPC approves date swap: Venezuela hosts Serie del Caribe in 2026, Puerto Rico in 2029.
  • Puerto Rico cedes 2026 hosting to Venezuela due to 2026 World Baseball Classic preparations.
  • Venezuela's new Caracas stadium to host 2026 Serie del Caribe with 38,000 fan capacity.
  • Puerto Rico's Estadio Hiram Bithorn to undergo renovations for 2029 hosting.
  • CBPC's date swap agreement demonstrates flexibility and cooperation among member leagues.