Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo Crowned Pitcher of the Year in 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A

Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo, pitcher for the Gigantes de Carolina, wins Pitcher of the Year award in the 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A season. Acevedo dedicates the award to his family and thanks his team and agent for their support.

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Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo Crowned Pitcher of the Year in 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A

Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo Crowned Pitcher of the Year in 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A

Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo, the standout pitcher for the Gigantes de Carolina, has been named the Pitcher of the Year for the 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A season. This prestigious accolade was awarded based on his exceptional performance throughout the season, which earned him 43 votes from sports journalists and commentators.

Acevedo's remarkable statistics during the regular season solidified his position that of top pitcher. He achieved a stunning 0.53 ERA, a 6-1 win-loss record, and recorded 28 strikeouts while allowing only five walks in 50.2 innings pitched. His WHIP stood at an impressive 0.81.

In a heartfelt statement, Acevedo expressed his appreciation and humility upon receiving the award. ' Para mí es más que un honor poder lograr este premio. Es una meta personal que yo creo que cada lanzador se propone en lograrlo y es una bendición que Dios me haya regalado un año como este y que haya podido tener el éxito de ganar este galardón,' he said. ('For me, it's more than an honor to achieve this award. It's a personal goal that I think every pitcher sets out to achieve, and it's a blessing that God has given me a year like this and allowed me to have the success of winning this award.')

Acevedo dedicated the award to his family, including his wife, parents, brothers, and children. *'Le dedico este premio a mi esposa, a mi familia, a mi madre, a mi padre, que nunca me dejan, a mis hermanos, a mis hijos que ahora mismo estoy en una etapa en la cual disfruto, pues ya ellos están grandecitos y disfruto verlos en el parque,'* he stated. *(I dedicate this award to my wife, my family, my mother, my father, who never leave me, my brothers, my children who are now at an age where I enjoy seeing them at the park.)*

He also acknowledged the support from the Carolina organization, his agent William de Gracia, and Juan Mangual, who have been instrumental in his career. Additionally, Acevedo mentioned that the negative comments he received during the 2023 season motivated him to perform better in 2024. *'Gracias a ellos, me echaron gasolina en el tanque y gracias a ellos saqué lo que yo he demostrado en esta Liga desde el día uno que llegué, ser un ganador y obtener victorias grandes para mi equipo,'* he remarked. *(Thanks to them, they fueled my tank, and thanks to them, I showed what I've demonstrated in this League since day one, being a winner and getting big wins for my team.)*

The Gigantes de Carolina are set to face the Mets de Guaynabo in the Metro section final starting this Friday at the Estadio Moisés García. Fans and analysts alike are eager to see if Acevedo can continue his stellar performance and lead his team to victory.

Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo's outstanding season and recognition as Pitcher of the Year highlight his significant contributions to the Gigantes de Carolina and the Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A. His dedication, skill, and resilience have made him a key player to watch in the upcoming games.

Key Takeaways

  • Héctor 'Heto' Acevedo named Pitcher of the Year for 2024 Liga de Béisbol Superior Doble A season.
  • Acevedo achieved 0.53 ERA, 6-1 win-loss record, and 28 strikeouts in 50.2 innings pitched.
  • He dedicated the award to his family and acknowledged support from the Carolina organization and others.
  • Acevedo's negative comments in 2023 motivated him to perform better in 2024.
  • Gigantes de Carolina face Mets de Guaynabo in Metro section final starting this Friday.