MC Alger Addresses FIFA Correspondence on Youssef Belaïli Case

MC Alger addresses FIFA's correspondence regarding Youssef Belaïli's unresolved case with Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia, citing a minor financial discrepancy of 370 euros. The club administration promises to resolve the issue within 48 hours to avoid Belaïli's potential suspension.

Nitish Verma
New Update
MC Alger Addresses FIFA Correspondence on Youssef Belaïli Case

MC Alger Addresses FIFA Correspondence on Youssef Belaïli Case

The MC Alger administration has addressed recent concerns regarding FIFA's correspondence about the unresolved case of Youssef Belaïli with Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia. The issue has caused significant unrest among fans and interested parties, particularly with the possibility of Belaïli's suspension hanging over the team.

The controversy traces back to Belaïli's previous contract with Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia, which was terminated unilaterally by the player. This led to a complaint being filed with FIFA by Al-Ahly, resulting in a $450,000 fine against Belaïli. MC Alger had reportedly intervened by settling Belaïli's debts and informing FIFA of the resolution.

However, a new correspondence from FIFA has reignited the issue, with the international governing body stating that the case remains unresolved. This has led to speculation that Belaïli could face suspension from playing, which would affect his participation in the Algerian national team's camp and the Algerian Cup final against CS Belouizdad.

In response, the MC Alger administration issued a statement on May 28, 2024, to clarify the situation. They reassured fans that the issue is not related to an unpaid amount but rather a minor financial discrepancy. The administration explained that the discrepancy amounts to 370 euros, which is the difference between the Swiss franc and the euro. They promised that this issue would be resolved within the next 48 hours.

"The Mouloudia Club of Algeria club management informs the team's loyal supporters and sports public opinion that it has received a correspondence from FIFA regarding the status of our team player Youssef Belaïli towards his former team, Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia," the statement read. The administration further stated, "The Brigadier General's management reassures the team's supporters that the issue of Youssef Belaïli's crisis with Al-Ahly does not call for exaggeration, since the matter is not related to an amount that was not paid, but rather a small financial difference representing the difference between the Swiss franc and the euro (370 euros)."

Algerian commentator Hafid Darraji has also weighed in on the situation, noting the potential implications for Belaïli's career. "FIFA is writing to the Algerian Federation and the Mouloudia Algeria team, and requests that Youssef Belaïli be suspended from playing until he finishes settling the outstanding dues problem with Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia," Darraji stated.

The situation's development will hinge on MC Alger's swift resolution of the financial discrepancy, determining Belaïli's immediate future with the club and his eligibility to participate in upcoming matches. Fans and interested parties will be closely monitoring the administration's actions over the next 48 hours.

Key Takeaways

  • MC Alger addresses FIFA's correspondence regarding Youssef Belaïli's unresolved case with Al-Ahly Saudi Arabia.
  • Belaïli's contract termination led to a $450,000 fine, which MC Alger reportedly settled.
  • FIFA claims the case remains unresolved, sparking suspension concerns for Belaïli.
  • MC Alger attributes the issue to a minor financial discrepancy of 370 euros, promising resolution within 48 hours.
  • Belaïli's eligibility for upcoming matches hinges on swift resolution of the financial issue.