Nacho Llovet Reflects on Morabanc Andorra's Season and Praises Jean Montero on RTVA

Nacho Llovet, captain of Morabanc Andorra, shared his thoughts on the team's performance and praised teammate Jean Montero's exceptional talent. Llovet expressed his trust in the team's management and called for higher goals in the upcoming season.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Nacho Llovet Reflects on Morabanc Andorra's Season and Praises Jean Montero on RTVA

Nacho Llovet Reflects on Morabanc Andorra's Season and Praises Jean Montero on RTVA

In a recent interview on RTVA's 'Avui serà un bon dia' program, Nacho Llovet, the captain of Morabanc Andorra, shared his insights on the team’s performance over the past season and highlighted the exceptional talent of his young teammate, Jean Montero.

Llovet, a prominent figure in Andorran basketball, expressed his belief that the team should set higher goals for the upcoming season. Reflecting on the challenges faced, he admitted to seeking psychological support to manage his doubts and maintain his focus. 'Vaig confiar molts en el Francesc (Solana), que em va dir que farien un projecte guanyador,' he said, indicating his trust in the team's management.

A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to Jean Montero, a 20-year-old player who has made a substantial impact on the team. Llovet did not hold back his admiration, describing Montero being the best player he has ever shared a locker room with. ' No és només que sigui tan bo, és que ho sigui amb només 20 anys. Això és excepcional, et preguntes on està el sostre,' he remarked, emphasizing Montero's remarkable talent at such a young age.

Montero's future with Morabanc Andorra looks promising, with plans to continue playing for at least a couple more seasons. Llovet's praise for Montero highlights the young player's potential and the bright future ahead for the team. The captain's reflections suggest a collective ambition within the team to strive for greater achievements in the coming seasons.

The interview on 'Avui serà un bon dia,' hosted by Gabriel Fernàndez, provided a platform for Llovet to articulate his thoughts on both professional and personal fronts. The program, known for its engaging content, airs from Monday to Friday, offering listeners a blend of local and global news.

As Morabanc Andorra looks ahead to the next season, Llovet's insights and Montero's promising future will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the team's strategy and ambitions. The captain's call for higher aspirations reflects a desire to build on the foundations laid this season and push for greater success.

Key Takeaways

  • Nacho Llovet, Morabanc Andorra's captain, wants the team to set higher goals for next season.
  • Llovet sought psychological support to manage doubts and maintain focus.
  • Llovet praises 20-year-old teammate Jean Montero as the best player he's shared a locker room with.
  • Montero plans to play for Morabanc Andorra for at least two more seasons.
  • Llovet's ambition is to build on this season's foundations and push for greater success.