Noemi Alphonse Awarded Rs 2.5 Million for Winning 100m T54 Title at Kobe World Championships

Mauritian para-athlete Noemi Alphonse receives Rs 2.5 million from Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth for winning the 100m T54 title at the Kobe World Championships. Anaïs Angeline, another Mauritian para-athlete, receives Rs 1 million for her achievements at the championships.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Noemi Alphonse Awarded Rs 2.5 Million for Winning 100m T54 Title at Kobe World Championships

Noemi Alphonse Awarded Rs 2.5 Million for Winning 100m T54 Title at Kobe World Championships

On May 30, 2024, Mauritian para-athlete Noemi Alphonse was awarded a check of Rs 2.5 million by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth. This recognition came following her remarkable victory in the 100m T54 title at the Kobe World Championships in Japan on May 22, 2024.

The ceremony took place at the Prime Minister's Office, where Alphonse was praised for her outstanding performance. Prime Minister Jugnauth described her achievement as 'extraordinaire' and noted that she had 'made history.'

Noemi Alphonse expressed her appreciation, stating, *"Sak zefor li fini par rekonpanse"* ('It's a reward for my hard work'). She also highlighted the importance of sports in her life, saying, *'Mon sport est mon gagne-pain. Je vis par le sport. Ena lavenir dan spor. Zis bizin donn depenn'* ('My sport is my livelihood. I live through sports. There is a future in sports. This is a must-give').

In addition to Alphonse, another Mauritian para-athlete, Anaïs Angeline, was recognized at the ceremony. Angeline received a check of Rs 1 million for her achievements at the championships, where she earned the title of vice-world champion in long jump.

The coaches of both athletes were also honored. Jean-Marie Bhugeerathee and Nicholas Angeline received cash prizes of Rs 540,000 and Rs 270,000, respectively, for their contributions to the athletes' successes.

Prime Minister Jugnauth reiterated his commitment to promoting sports in Mauritius, emphasizing the government's efforts to provide top-notch training facilities for athletes. He stated, 'Nous continuerons à démocratiser le sport' ('We will continue to democratize sports').

The recognition of Noemi Alphonse and her fellow athletes highlights the substantial progress being made in Mauritian sports. Their achievements bring honor and distinction to the nation, inspiring future generations of athletes.

Key Takeaways

  • Noemi Alphonse awarded Rs 2.5 million for winning 100m T54 title at Kobe World Championships.
  • Alphonse praised by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth for her "extraordinaire" achievement.
  • Anaïs Angeline receives Rs 1 million for becoming vice-world champion in long jump.
  • Coaches Jean-Marie Bhugeerathee and Nicholas Angeline receive cash prizes for their contributions.
  • Prime Minister Jugnauth commits to promoting sports in Mauritius, democratizing access to top-notch facilities.