Bulgaria Faces Persistent National Security Threats in 2024 Amid Rising Cyberattacks and Foreign Influence

Bulgaria's State Agency for National Security reports high-intensity threats to national security will persist through 2024, including operations by foreign special services and cyberattacks. The agency has identified Russia's conduct as a growing threat, with concerns about potential Russian aggression against other countries.

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Bulgaria Faces Persistent National Security Threats in 2024 Amid Rising Cyberattacks and Foreign Influence

Bulgaria Faces Persistent National Security Threats in 2024 Amid Rising Cyberattacks and Foreign Influence

Bulgaria's State Agency for National Security (DANS) has reported that high-intensity threats to national security will persist through 2024. These threats include operations by foreign special services, malicious information campaigns, and cyberattacks.

The DANS report highlights a continued focus on suppressing unconstitutional acts and foreign destructive influences, particularly during the 2024 elections. The agency has identified Russia's conduct as a growing threat to global security, with concerns about potential Russian aggression against other countries.

Moscow's strategy aims to undermine NATO's unity and hinder its expansion through a hybrid approach, including the use of friendly third countries or proxies. This has led to increased tensions in the Western Balkans, where acts of violence and attempts to redraw national borders have been reported.

The persistence of national security threats in Bulgaria has significant implications for regional and global stability, and also affects the country's relationships with other nations. If left unchecked, these threats could lead to increased tensions, violence, and destabilization in the region.

Hate speech against Bulgaria has intensified in the region, sometimes accompanied by physical violence against individuals identifying as Bulgarians. The security situation is further complicated by organized crime, illegal migration, corruption, rule of law violations, and actions undermining democratic principles.

The role of special services in Bulgaria increased in 2023 as a result of the use of hybrid instruments of influence targeting political decision-making processes. These efforts aimed at gaining positions to acquire information at both central and local levels.

In 2023, DANS neutralized four Russian and two Belarusian nationals, alongside six other foreigners affiliated with foreign special services. Coercive administrative measures were taken against 54 individuals who jeopardized Bulgaria's national security, and 393 people were proposed to be added to the national database on personae non gratae.

Counterterrorism efforts also saw coercive measures against 14 foreign nationals for providing logistical support or being involved in terrorist activities. A total of 221 individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist or extremist activities were entered into the national database of personae non gratae, highlighting the need for counterterrorism efforts.

The DANS report comes amid rising tensions between Bulgaria and Russia, exacerbated by the expulsion of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Sofia, Archimandrite Vassian, and two other clerics. Bulgarian authorities accused the clerics of activities directed against the country's national security and interests.

Russia reacted angrily to the expulsion, calling it an 'unfriendly act' and summoning the Bulgarian ambassador to Moscow for talks. 'We are outraged and shocked by what happened,' said Mariya Zaharova, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman. 'The responsibility for the rapid deterioration of Russian-Bulgarian relations lies entirely with the Bulgarian side,' added Zaharova.

Bulgaria, a member of NATO and the European Union, has faced increasing cyber threats. In 2022, the country expelled 70 Russian diplomatic staff, significantly straining diplomatic ties. The broader context of these threats includes a growing wave of ransomware attacks, with cybersecurity vendors observing historic highs in 2023 and the trend continuing into 2024.

Law enforcement agencies worldwide have responded with operations like Operation Endgame, which disrupted several notorious botnets and malware droppers. The operation, led by France, Germany, and the Netherlands, involved agencies from 11 countries, including Bulgaria, and resulted in four arrests, over 100 server seizures, and 2,000 domain takeovers.

As Bulgaria faces these persistent threats, the efforts of DANS and international cooperation will be essential in safeguarding national security. The challenges posed by foreign special services, cyberattacks, and malicious information campaigns highlight the need for vigilance and robust countermeasures.

Key Takeaways

  • Bulgaria's national security threatened by foreign special services, cyberattacks, and malicious info campaigns in 2024.
  • Russia's conduct seen as a growing threat to global security, aiming to undermine NATO's unity and expansion.
  • Hate speech, organized crime, and corruption complicate Bulgaria's security situation and regional stability.
  • DANS neutralized 12 foreign nationals and took measures against 54 individuals jeopardizing national security in 2023.
  • International cooperation and robust countermeasures essential to safeguard Bulgaria's national security.