Liquid Intelligent Technologies and Eutelsat OneWeb Bring Satellite Internet to Remote Africa

Liquid Intelligent Technologies partners with Eutelsat Group to deliver satellite-based internet connectivity across remote areas of Africa. The collaboration will provide high-speed, low-latency internet services using OneWeb's Low Earth Orbit satellite network.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Liquid Intelligent Technologies and Eutelsat OneWeb Bring Satellite Internet to Remote Africa

Liquid Intelligent Technologies and Eutelsat OneWeb Bring Satellite Internet to Remote Africa

Liquid Intelligent Technologies, a leading pan-African technology group, has partnered with Eutelsat Group to deliver satellite-based internet connectivity across remote areas of Africa. This collaboration aims to leverage OneWeb's Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network to provide high-speed, low-latency internet services, particularly benefiting underserved regions.

This partnership has significant implications for bridging the digital divide in Africa, providing access to vital online services and unlocking new opportunities for education, healthcare, and economic development. As a result, it has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people in remote areas, promoting digital inclusion and socioeconomic growth.

The agreement integrates OneWeb's LEO satellite network with Liquid Dataport, enabling the provision of enterprise-grade satellite services to customers in multiple African countries. According to Liquid Intelligent Technologies, the partnership is a significant milestone in bringing advanced connectivity solutions to the continent. *"Our collaboration with Eutelsat signifies a milestone in bringing cutting-edge LEO services to our customers across multiple countries in Africa, empowering them with high-speed solutions and unlocking new possibilities for connectivity,"* stated Liquid Intelligent Technologies.

Eutelsat Group echoed this sentiment, highlighting the potential for transformative connectivity in Africa. *"Liquid has a proven track record and a longstanding commitment to connect African businesses. Working together and leveraging Eutelsat Group's innovative LEO services, we can unlock new opportunities for enterprises and communities,"* Eutelsat Group noted.

This development is particularly significant for countries like Zimbabwe, where another satellite internet provider, Starlink, has also applied to operate. The growing interest from multiple providers underscores the increasing demand for reliable internet connectivity in Africa's remote regions. By offering high-speed, low-latency internet, these services are expected to bridge the digital divide, bringing essential online resources to millions.

The partnership will enable Liquid Dataport to offer enterprise access with Internet breakout, including Point-to-Point services. This capability is crucial for businesses and communities in remote areas, providing them with the necessary infrastructure to participate in the global digital economy.

As Africa continues to embrace digital transformation, the introduction of LEO satellite services by Liquid Intelligent Technologies and Eutelsat Group is a pivotal step. This initiative not only enhances connectivity but also opens up new opportunities for education, healthcare, and economic development in some of the continent's most isolated regions.

In summary, the partnership between Liquid Intelligent Technologies and Eutelsat Group represents a significant advancement in providing high-speed internet connectivity to remote areas of Africa. By integrating OneWeb's LEO satellite network with Liquid Dataport, the collaboration aims to bridge the digital divide and empower communities with access to vital online services.

Key Takeaways

  • Liquid Intelligent Technologies partners with Eutelsat Group to deliver satellite-based internet in Africa.
  • Partnership leverages OneWeb's Low Earth Orbit satellite network for high-speed, low-latency internet.
  • Collaboration aims to bridge digital divide in Africa, promoting digital inclusion and socioeconomic growth.
  • Liquid Dataport integrates with OneWeb's LEO satellite network to offer enterprise-grade satellite services.
  • Partnership enables high-speed internet access in remote African regions, unlocking opportunities for education, healthcare, and economic development.