Majority of Belarusian IT Specialists Now Working Abroad, Survey Finds

A survey in 2024 found that 54% of Belarusian IT specialists are working abroad, while 29% remain committed to staying in Belarus. The survey also noted a decrease in IT specialists actively seeking relocation, dropping by a third compared to 2023.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Majority of Belarusian IT Specialists Now Working Abroad, Survey Finds

Majority of Belarusian IT Specialists Now Working Abroad, Survey Finds

A recent survey by in 2024 has revealed a significant trend among Belarusian IT specialists: 54% are now working abroad. This finding highlights a notable shift in the workforce dynamics within the country's tech industry.

Despite the high percentage of IT professionals relocating, 29% of respondents remain committed to staying in Belarus. This group represents a substantial minority that is firmly tied to their homeland, highlighting a divide in the motivations and circumstances of Belarusian IT specialists.

Why this matters: This trend has significant implications for the Belarusian economy and tech industry, as a brain drain could hinder innovation and growth. The decrease in those seeking relocation could also signal a shift in the factors influencing IT specialists' decisions, which could have consequences for the country's workforce dynamics.

Interestingly, the survey also noted a decrease in the number of IT specialists actively seeking relocation. Compared to 2023, this number has dropped by a third, suggesting a potential stabilization in the migration trend or a shift in the factors influencing these professionals' decisions.

The data from highlights the ongoing challenges and opportunities within the Belarusian tech sector. While a significant portion of the workforce is moving abroad, the commitment of nearly a third of IT specialists to remain in their homeland indicates a resilient segment that could drive future growth and innovation within the country.

As Belarus continues to contend with these workforce dynamics, the tech industry will need to address the factors driving both relocation and retention. Understanding these motivations will be essential for developing strategies that support the local tech ecosystem while also engaging with the global talent pool.

To recap, the 2024 survey sheds light on the current state of Belarusian IT specialists, with a majority working abroad and a significant minority remaining in the country. The decrease in those seeking relocation points to changing dynamics that could influence the future of the Belarusian tech sector.

Key Takeaways

  • 54% of Belarusian IT specialists work abroad, a significant trend.
  • 29% of respondents remain committed to staying in Belarus.
  • Number of IT specialists seeking relocation decreased by a third.
  • Brain drain could hinder innovation and growth in Belarus.
  • Understanding motivations is key to supporting local tech ecosystem.