Philippe Monserez Highlights Collaboration Between AG Real Estate and Startups in Proptech

AG Real Estate's Chief Design & Build and Innovation Officer, Philippe Monserez, emphasizes the importance of collaboration between traditional companies and startups. AG Real Estate has successfully partnered with startups like C-Site, Aproplan, and Axxerion through the Proptech Lab network.

Bijay Laxmi
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Philippe Monserez Highlights Collaboration Between AG Real Estate and Startups in Proptech

Philippe Monserez Highlights Collaboration Between AG Real Estate and Startups in Proptech

Philippe Monserez, Chief Design & Build and Innovation Officer at AG Real Estate, emphasizes the significance of collaboration between traditional companies and startups. This partnership is exemplified by AG Real Estate's successful ventures with startups such as C-Site, Aproplan, and Axxerion within the Proptech Lab network.

The collaboration between traditional companies and startups can drive innovation and lead to significant milestones in various industries. This partnership can also have a ripple effect, inspiring other companies to adopt a similar approach, leading to a more agile and creative business landscape.

Monserez believes that startups bring an innovative attitude and agility that traditional companies often lack. He stated, "They have another attitude that big companies don't have. They are more agile, more creative. It's another thing to innovate internally in a classical structure. These are two different worlds."

AG Real Estate has engaged with startups on numerous projects, including the 'Scholen van morgen' (Schools of Tomorrow) initiative. This project involved the construction of 182 schools in Flanders, Belgium, covering a total built area of 700,000 m2 and costing €1 billion.

Monserez highlights the importance of supporting startups in their development. He shared the example of C-Site, which developed an application for installing webcams on construction sites. "We had 182 construction sites to follow at the same time! I arrived at their place with an IT need. The first meeting took place in the kitchen of the IT specialist. The second, in his living room. It's a bit like Steve Jobs.... They then developed a pilot, and today, their product is internationally approved."

AG Real Estate has also worked with Aproplan (LetsBuild) for the provisional reception of the schools and with Axxerion for their maintenance. These collaborations underline the company's commitment to integrating innovative solutions from startups into their projects.

Monserez notes that working with startups requires an avant-garde attitude, a willingness to take risks, and trust in the startup. "It requires having an avant-garde attitude, daring to take risks, and trusting them. With the possibility that the startup may no longer exist in a few years or that it has had such success that it has been acquired."

AG Real Estate has invested in startups like Cohabs (coliving) and Skysun (solar panels) to support their development. However, Monserez emphasizes the importance of ensuring their independence. "If you invest, you must ensure their independence. Because the best way to kill a startup is for a traditional company to acquire it."

The Proptech Lab network, spearheaded by AG Real Estate, aims to facilitate collaboration between traditional companies and startups in the real estate sector. This initiative has proven successful in integrating innovative solutions and cultivating a culture of agility and creativity within the industry.

Monserez's approach demonstrates the potential benefits of traditional companies working closely with startups. By leveraging the unique strengths of both, AG Real Estate has been able to drive innovation and achieve significant milestones in its projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Traditional companies and startups can drive innovation through collaboration.
  • Startups bring agility and creativity that traditional companies often lack.
  • Supporting startups' development is crucial for successful partnerships.
  • Working with startups requires an avant-garde attitude and trust.
  • Ensuring startups' independence is key to successful collaborations.