Torrential Rains Cause Devastating Floods and Landslides In Abidjan, Claiming 24 Lives

In ten days, intense rains and landslides have killed 24 people in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, with two more missing. Authorities warn of building collapses, as rainfall levels are four times higher than normal, causing severe flooding and widespread damage.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
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Floods and landslides in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, have killed 24 people over ten days.

In the past ten days, floods and landslides have claimed at least 24 lives in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire’s largest city, as authorities reported on Monday. This disaster marks an unusually intense start to the rainy season, with rainfall around four times heavier than normal in the West African nation’s economic capital.

The National Office for Civil Protection (ONPC) revealed that the torrential rains from Thursday, June 13, to Saturday, June 22, resulted in catastrophic rises in water levels and significant landslides. The ONPC also warned of the potential for building collapses due to the severe weather conditions. Two more individuals are reported missing after being "swept away by the waters," according to the ONPC statement.

Why This Matters: This recent update comes after the fire service initially reported eight deaths following the exceptionally heavy downpours on June 15. The national meteorological service, Sodexam, highlighted that about a quarter of the precipitation expected over the entire three-month rainy season from May to July fell within just 24 hours.

The severe weather has left large parts of Abidjan inundated, with streets submerged, homes destroyed, and families displaced. The rapid accumulation of water overwhelmed drainage systems, leading to widespread flooding. Landslides further compounded the devastation, burying homes and causing structural damage across the city.

Authorities have been working tirelessly to provide relief to affected communities, but the scale of the disaster has overwhelmed emergency services. Rescue operations continue as teams search for the missing and assist those trapped by the floods. Temporary shelters have been set up to house displaced families, and aid organizations are mobilizing to provide food, clean water, and medical supplies.

Key Takeaways:

  • 24 people killed in Abidjan floods and landslides over 10 days.
  • Rainfall four times heavier than normal causes severe flooding.
  • National Office for Civil Protection warns of building collapse risks.
  • Two individuals missing, swept away by the floodwaters.
  • Quarter of seasonal rainfall fell within 24 hours, overwhelming the city.


Floods West Africa