#SIDS4GenderEquality Forum: Advancing Gender Equality in Small Island Developing States

The #SIDS4GenderEquality Forum is underway in Antigua and Barbuda, bringing together key organizations to promote gender equality and prosperity in Small Island Developing States. The forum aims to create a "Gender Equality Village" and address issues like gender-based violence and climate change.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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#SIDS4GenderEquality Forum: Advancing Gender Equality in Small Island Developing States

#SIDS4GenderEquality Forum: Advancing Gender Equality in Small Island Developing States

The #SIDS4GenderEquality Forum is currently underway at Nelson's Dockyard, Antigua and Barbuda, bringing together key organizations and partners to promote gender equality and prosperity in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The forum, hosted by UN Women Caribbean and UN Women Pacific, is part of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), which focuses on sustainable development and resilience in these vulnerable regions.

Gender equality is essential for achieving sustainable development and prosperity in Small Island Developing States. If not addressed, gender inequality can hinder economic growth, perpetuate violence, and exacerbate the impacts of climate change in these vulnerable regions.

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa of Samoa underscored the urgency of prioritizing gender equality in SIDS, highlighting the need to address gender-based violence. 'We need to stop the violence before it even starts,' she stated, emphasizing the importance of partnerships with women's movements and various sectors to achieve this goal.

The forum aims to create a 'Gender Equality Village' where participants can share experiences and work collectively towards gender equality. Senator Dr. Erecia Hepburn-Forbes of The Bahamas stressed the importance of this collaborative approach, saying, 'We are all participants in this village.'

The forum addresses a range of issues, including the role of businesses, parliaments, and civil society organizations in promoting gender-equal societies. Themba Kalua, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Samoa, highlighted the significance of gender equality in achieving sustainable development goals in SIDS. 'I think the discussion today has underscored the centrality of gender equality in meeting the sustainable development aspiration of small island developing states,' Kalua remarked.

Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead—Pacific Women at the Pacific Community (SPC), provided an example of effective gender mainstreaming through the Fijian government's efforts. In 2021, Fiji introduced a program to integrate gender equality perspectives across all government actions, leading to the country's first gender-responsive budget.

The forum also includes discussions on the impact of climate change on SIDS and the importance of building resilience. Amy Pope, Executive Director of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), emphasized the need to focus on gender within migration studies, particularly in the context of climate change. 'There is a very complex set of circumstances at play here... the impact of climate on these regions and the importance of investing in building resilience and solutions for countries in this region,' Pope noted.

The SIDS Global Children and Youth Action Summit, organized by UNICEF and other partners, was a key event leading up to the SIDS4 conference. It brought together 80 young people from SIDS regions to brainstorm and commit to action on climate change and sustainable development. The summit focused on themes such as resilient recovery, environmental integrity, and safe and prosperous societies.

The #SIDS4GenderEquality Forum continues, with participants working towards adopting the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS, a renewed declaration for resilient prosperity over the next decade. The forum highlights the critical need for collective action and sustained commitment to gender equality in achieving sustainable development in Small Island Developing States.

Key Takeaways

  • The #SIDS4GenderEquality Forum promotes gender equality and prosperity in Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  • Gender inequality hinders economic growth, perpetuates violence, and exacerbates climate change impacts in SIDS.
  • The forum aims to create a 'Gender Equality Village' for collective action towards gender equality.
  • Gender mainstreaming and addressing climate change are crucial for achieving sustainable development in SIDS.
  • The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS will be adopted, committing to resilient prosperity over the next decade.