Argentine President Javier Milei Offers Full Support To Ukraine At Global Peace Summit

Argentine President Javier Milei pledged full support to Ukraine at the Global Summit for Peace in Switzerland, emphasizing Argentina’s commitment to liberal values and global engagement, while advocating for free trade as a path to peace.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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At the Global Summit for Peace, Argentine President Javier Milei expressed full support for Ukraine.

Argentine President Javier Milei participated in the Global Summit for Peace in Switzerland on Saturday, where he was welcomed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In a concise three-minute speech, Milei pledged Argentina's full support to Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia.

Following his participation in the G7 summit in Italy, where he met with key global leaders including U.S. President Joe Biden, Pope Francis, and IMF head Kristalina Georgieva, Milei traveled to the Swiss resort hosting the peace summit. He was accompanied by Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, who had not attended the Italian leg of the trip.

Why This Matters: In his speech, Milei emphasized Argentina's support for the Ukrainian people, reaffirming the country's commitment to defending "the ideas of freedom" amidst the military conflict that began in February 2022 with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He outlined his vision of liberalism, which he defined as "respect for the neighbor’s life project, based on the non-aggression principle and in defense of the right to life, freedom, and private property."

Milei portrayed his leadership as ushering in a "new Argentina" that embraces the principles that once made the nation one of the world's most prosperous. He stressed that Argentina is no longer isolated on the global stage and underscored the importance of free trade as a cornerstone of economic prosperity and peace. Citing American libertarian economist Milton Friedman, Milei declared, “Where there is trade, there are no bullets.”

The Argentine president is scheduled to have a bilateral meeting with President Zelenskyy before departing Switzerland. He is expected to return to Argentina on Sunday.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milei pledges Argentina's full support to Ukraine at peace summit.
  • Speech emphasizes liberalism and defense of freedom and private property.
  • Milei highlights Argentina’s renewed global engagement and economic principles.
  • Cites Milton Friedman on the connection between free trade and peace.
  • Scheduled bilateral meeting with Zelenskyy to discuss further cooperation.


Argentine President Javier Milei Argentina