Austrian Flight Attendant Reveals Hidden Purpose Behind Friendly Greetings

Austrian flight attendant Rania reveals that warm greetings on planes serve a critical safety function, assessing passengers' fitness to fly. The practice helps identify able-bodied individuals who can assist in emergencies and serves as an unofficial security checkpoint.

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Austrian Flight Attendant Reveals Hidden Purpose Behind Friendly Greetings

Austrian Flight Attendant Reveals Hidden Purpose Behind Friendly Greetings

Austrian flight attendant Rania, known on TikTok as @itsmekikooooo, has disclosed a surprising reason behind the customary warm greetings passengers receive when boarding a plane. In a viral TikTok video, Rania explained that these greetings are not solely for courtesy but serve a critical safety function.

Rania revealed that flight attendants use this opportunity to assess whether passengers are too drunk or ill to fly. She stated, "Your flight attendant greets you, not only out of politeness, but also to check whether you are too drunk or sick to fly." This initial assessment helps ensure that those boarding the plane are fit to fly and do not pose a risk to themselves or others.

Additionally, Rania highlighted that these greetings allow flight attendants to identify able-bodied individuals who can assist in emergency situations. These individuals, known as Able-Bodied Passengers (ABPs), include military personnel, firefighters, nurses, and doctors. Their presence can be vital during emergencies, such as medical incidents or security breaches.

Influencer Kat Kamalani, who also shared insights on TikTok, emphasized the importance of this practice. Kamalani explained, "We're actually looking you up and down and we are trying to find our ABPs... So, in case of an emergency, like a medical emergency or we are going to land the plane or there's a security breach, we know who is on our plane and who can help us."

Air travel safety is a critical concern for millions of people worldwide, and ensuring that passengers are fit to fly is vital to preventing disruptions and emergencies. Failure to properly assess passenger fitness could lead to serious consequences, including accidents, injuries, and even loss of life.

The practice of greeting passengers also serves as an unofficial second security checkpoint. Flight attendants use this time to check for suspicious bags and other signs that might indicate a potential threat. This additional layer of scrutiny helps ensure the overall safety of the flight.

The revelation has sparked a mix of reactions among social media users. Some shared their own humorous experiences, while others expressed appreciation for the safety measures. One commenter joked about trying to avoid eye contact with flight attendants, while another recounted being asked to take a breathalyzer test after greeting a flight attendant with 'good night' instead of 'hello'.

As incidents involving intoxicated passengers continue to rise, the importance of these assessments cannot be overstated. Ensuring that all passengers are fit to fly is a critical component of maintaining air travel safety and preventing disruptions during flights.

Next time you board a plane, remember that the friendly greeting from the flight attendant is not just a courtesy but a vital safety check. This practice, while seemingly simple, plays a significant role in ensuring the smooth and safe operation of flights.

Key Takeaways

  • Flight attendants greet passengers to assess fitness to fly, checking for intoxication or illness.
  • They identify Able-Bodied Passengers (ABPs) who can assist in emergency situations.
  • The greeting serves as an unofficial security checkpoint to detect suspicious items.
  • This practice helps prevent disruptions and emergencies during flights.
  • The greeting is a vital safety check, not just a courtesy.