Private Sector-Led Ferry Service to Launch in Southern Caribbean

A new private sector-led regional ferry service, Connect Caribe, is set to launch in August 2024, operating out of Barbados, with a partnership with UAE-based JamPro to provide a fleet of ships for cargo transportation and travel between Caribbean islands, aiming to boost regional trade and economic growth. The service will initially focus on cargo transportation with smaller ships, followed by the acquisition of larger cruise ships, and will utilize data-driven information to facilitate e-commerce in the Caribbean region." This description highlights the primary topic of the article (the launch of a new regional ferry service), the main entities involved (Connect Caribe and JamPro), the context (the Southern Caribbean region), and the significant actions and implications (boosting regional trade and economic growth, and facilitating e-commerce). The description also provides objective and relevant details that will help an AI generate an accurate visual representation of the article's content, such as the types of ships involved and the focus on cargo transportation and travel.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Private Sector-Led Ferry Service to Launch in Southern Caribbean

Private Sector-Led Ferry Service to Launch in Southern Caribbean

A new private sector-led regional ferry service is set to launch in the Southern Caribbean in August 2024, operating out of Barbados. The announcement was made by Dr. Andre Thomas, Chairman and CEO of Upturn Funds Caribbean/Pleion Group Inc., who revealed that his company, Connect Caribe, has partnered with JamPro, a UAE-based group, to implement a private sector solution to address maritime travel in the region.

Why this matters: This ferry service has the potential to significantly boost regional trade and economic growth by increasing the speed and efficiency of cargo transportation between Caribbean islands. By facilitating the movement of goods and people, it could also lead to increased economic opportunities and cultural exchange within the region.

The partnership with JamPro has accelerated the launch date, originally set for November 2024, and will increase cargo capacity with a fleet of ships. Dr. Thomas stated, "We've entered into an agreement with them, and they will be providing our first set of ships which are being acquired as we speak, and very soon will be on their way to the Caribbean waters." The initial fleet will consist of smaller ships that will travel to more destinations, focusing on cargo transportation and travel.

In the second acquisition phase, the consortium plans to acquire larger cruise ships, each carrying approximately 800 to 1,000 people. The partnership with JamPro will result in a larger number of cargo ships, exceeding five, six, or seven, facilitating faster cargo transportation between Caribbean islands. "Our intention was to have two cruise ships and one large cargo ship. That's changed with our partnership with JamPro; we're going to have a lot more cargo ships above five, six, seven," Dr. Thomas explained.

Connect Caribe will roll out its cargo service in phases, using data-driven information provided by the CARICOM Private Sector Organization (CPSO) Secretariat. JamPro's 30 years of experience in the field, including its own shipyard and ship repair capabilities, will contribute to the success of the ferry service. The company is also in discussion with the African Export-Import Bank to develop a payment settlement system called CAAPS to facilitate e-commerce in the Caribbean region.

Dr. Thomas believes the ferry service will be game-changing for Caribbean economies, stating, "I believe it will be game-changing for Caribbean economies because what it will do, it will allow a woman who is based in Guyana to produce soaps from the Amazon and sell it to a woman in Barbados." The partnership between Connect Caribe, JamPro, and the CPSO is expected to bring a fleet of 10 vessels under the new arrangement, significantly enhancing maritime travel and trade in the Southern Caribbean region.

Key Takeaways

  • New private ferry service, Connect Caribe, to launch in August 2024 from Barbados.
  • Partnership with JamPro accelerates launch and increases cargo capacity with a fleet of ships.
  • Initial fleet to focus on cargo transportation and travel to multiple destinations.
  • Larger cruise ships to be acquired in phase 2, carrying 800-1,000 people each.
  • Ferry service aims to boost regional trade and economic growth in the Southern Caribbean.