EPP Emerges as Largest Grouping in EU Elections, Pledges to Build 'Bastion Against Extremes'

The European People's Party (EPP) has secured a strong mandate in the European Parliament elections, emerging as the largest grouping in Brussels. The EPP has pledged to build a "bastion against extremes" and prioritize moderation and stability in the face of rising populist and nationalist sentiments.

Nimrah Khatoon
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EPP has secured a strong mandate in the European Parliament elections

The European People's Party (EPP) has emerged as the largest grouping in EU elections.

The European People's Party (EPP) has emerged as the largest grouping in Brussels, securing a strong mandate in the European Parliament elections. According to exit polls, the EPP is predicted to win 181 seats, losing only six seats since the last election in 2019. This outcome is a significant victory for the EPP, particularly in light of strong predicted gains for far-right parties.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and the lead candidate of the EPP, expressed her party's commitment to building a "bastion against the extremes from the left and from the right." Von der Leyen emphasized that the EPP will work with other parties to deliver a "Europe that delivers, a strong Europe." Manfred Weber, President of the EPP, shared his support for Von der Leyen and reiterated the party's aim to shut far-right parties out of any governing coalition.

Why this matters: The EPP's strong performance in the European Parliament elections has significant implications for the future of the European Union. As the largest grouping in Brussels, the EPP will play a crucial role in shaping the EU's policies and direction. Von der Leyen's pledge to build a 'bastion against extremes' suggests that the EPP will prioritize moderation and stability in the face of rising populist and nationalist sentiments.

The EPP's commitment to a "pro-European, pro-democratic alliance" is also noteworthy, as it signals a desire to work with other mainstream parties to promote a united and democratic Europe. This approach is likely to resonate with many Europeans who are concerned about the rise of far-right and far-left parties.

Ursula von der Leyen's assertion that the EPP remains the 'strongest' party in Parliament reaffirms the party's dedication to upholding European values and principles. As the political landscape evolves, the EPP's steadfast commitment to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law serves as a guiding beacon for navigating the complex challenges facing the EU.

The outcome of the European Parliament elections not only determines the composition of the Parliament but also influences key decisions within the EU, including budget approval and the election of the European Commission president. With 720 seats representing diverse member states, the Parliament plays a crucial role in shaping the future direction of the European project and ensuring that the voices of European citizens are heard on the global stage.

Furthermore, the EPP's strong mandate will give the party significant influence over the EU's budget and key appointments, including the president of the European Commission. This will enable the EPP to shape the EU's policy agenda and ensure that its priorities are reflected in the EU's decision-making processes.

Key Takeaways

  • The European People's Party (EPP) has emerged as the largest grouping in Brussels, securing a strong mandate in the European Parliament elections.
  • The EPP has pledged to build a 'bastion against the extremes from the left and from the right,' prioritizing moderation and stability in the face of rising populist and nationalist sentiments.
  • The EPP's strong performance will give the party significant influence over the EU's budget and key appointments, including the president of the European Commission.
  • The EPP's commitment to a "pro-European, pro-democratic alliance" signals a desire to work with other mainstream parties to promote a united and democratic Europe.
  • The EPP's strong mandate will enable the party to shape the EU's policy agenda and ensure that its priorities are reflected in the EU's decision-making processes.