EU Initiative Boosts Counter-Terrorism Training in Benin and Ghana

The EU's Gulf of Guinea Security Defence Initiative provided counter-terrorism training to law enforcement agencies in Benin and Ghana, enhancing their capabilities. The initiative included training on counter-improvised explosive devices, first aid, and logistics, as well as support for border security.

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EU Initiative Boosts Counter-Terrorism Training in Benin and Ghana

EU Initiative Boosts Counter-Terrorism Training in Benin and Ghana

The European Union's Gulf of Guinea Security Defence Initiative (SDI) has significantly enhanced the counter-terrorism capabilities of law enforcement agencies in Benin and Ghana through targeted training and capacity-building activities.

In Benin, the SDI provided Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) training to 90 police officers from five units of the Republican Police. The training was conducted in four locations: Kandi, Parakou, Dassa, and Cotonou. This initiative has heightened the Republican Police's awareness of terrorist threats and strengthened their C-IED core capabilities nationwide.

Additionally, 22 members of the operational command of Mobile Intervention Companies (CMI) participated in scenario-based training exercises in Cotonou, Dassa, and Parakou. The SDI also offered first-aid training based on the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC or TC3) standard, with 65 police officers practicing their skills through scenario-based exercises.

A two-week seminar on reinforcing the logistics chain of the Republican Police was attended by 33 police executives in Cotonou. This seminar helped identify a catalogue of equipment needs for Benin, which will be integrated into an equipment plan for the country.

In Ghana, an SDI team of three experts visited border posts close to Burkina Faso to develop support measures for the Ghana Immigration Service and the Ghana Police Service. The team proposed forensic training for the Ghana Immigration Service as part of their support measures.

These initiatives are part of the EU's broader efforts to support national law enforcement agencies in their fight against terrorist activities in the Gulf of Guinea region. The training and capacity-building activities aim to enhance counter-terrorism capabilities, particularly in the northern territories of Benin and Ghana.

The Gulf of Guinea region, rich in natural resources and existing trafficking routes, has been significantly impacted by the nexus between terrorism and organized crime. This multifaceted issue requires inter-agency cooperation and coordination to effectively counter the threats.

The EU's SDI mission in the Gulf of Guinea underscores the importance of international collaboration in enhancing regional security and stability. By providing targeted training and capacity-building activities, the initiative aims to equip national law enforcement agencies with the skills and knowledge necessary to combat terrorism and organized crime effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • EU's Gulf of Guinea Security Defence Initiative enhances counter-terrorism capabilities in Benin and Ghana.
  • SDI provides C-IED training to 90 police officers in Benin, improving national security.
  • SDI offers first-aid training to 65 police officers in Benin, based on Tactical Combat Casualty Care standard.
  • EU's SDI supports Ghana Immigration Service and Ghana Police Service with forensic training and border post development.
  • EU's SDI aims to combat terrorism and organized crime in the Gulf of Guinea region through international collaboration.