Bolivian Police Arrest Former Army Chief of Staff Juan Jose Zuniga for Alleged 'Attempted Coup'

Bolivian authorities arrest former army chief General Juan Jose Zuniga for attempting a coup against the government, following a tense standoff in the capital city of La Paz.

Nitish Verma
New Update

Bolivian authorities have arrested former army chief of staff General Juan Jose Zuniga, accused of masterminding an attempted coup against the government. The dramatic arrest was broadcast live on state television, showing General Zuniga being led away in a police vehicle after making brief statements to reporters.

The crisis unfolded in the capital city of La Paz, where heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles were deployed in the main square, surrounding the seat of government. The situation escalated rapidly, prompting President Luis Arce to swiftly appoint new leadership in the armed forces. The Supreme Court also weighed in, denouncing the attempted coup as an "attack on democratic stability" in the country.

General Zuniga, flanked by soldiers, claimed that the goal of the attempted coup was to "rebuild democracy." He told reporters, "We want a real democracy... Not that of the few, not of a few bosses who have ruled the country for 30 or 40 years." However, his words were met with skepticism by the government, which saw the move as a blatant attempt to seize power.

The newly appointed military command quickly moved to defuse the situation, ordering the soldiers who had followed General Zuniga to the presidential palace to return to their bases. A heavy police force was also deployed in the center of La Paz to maintain order.

Why it Matters : The attempted coup in Bolivia has significant implications for the country's fragile democracy. The incident highlights the ongoing struggles of the Bolivian government to maintain stability and consolidate power. The fact that a former army chief was able to mobilize a significant number of soldiers and attempt a coup suggests deep-seated divisions within the military and the government. The swift response by President Arce and the Supreme Court, however, demonstrates a commitment to upholding democratic institutions and the rule of law.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the government will address the underlying issues that led to the attempted coup. One thing is clear, however: the people of Bolivia will be watching closely to ensure that their democratic rights are protected and that the government remains accountable to them.

Key Takeaways :

  • Former Bolivian army chief General Juan Jose Zuniga has been arrested for attempting a coup against the government.
  • The attempted coup was foiled after heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles were deployed in the capital city of La Paz.
  • General Zuniga claimed the goal was to "rebuild democracy," but the government saw it as an attempt to seize power.
  • President Luis Arce swiftly appointed new leadership in the armed forces to maintain stability.
  • The incident highlights the ongoing struggles of the Bolivian government to maintain stability and consolidate power.