Brazilian Actor Silvero Pereira Reveals Childhood Trauma in New Play

Brazilian actor Silvero Pereira shares his childhood trauma of being raped at 7 in his new monologue play, Pequeno Monstro. The play aims to shed light on sexual violence, particularly against LGBTQIAPN+ children, and inspire others to confront their own traumas.

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Brazilian Actor Silvero Pereira Reveals Childhood Trauma in New Play

Brazilian Actor Silvero Pereira Reveals Childhood Trauma in New Play

Brazilian actor Silvero Pereira has taken a courageous step by revealing his childhood trauma of being raped at the age of 7. He shares this deeply personal experience in his new monologue play, Pequeno Monstro (Little Monster), currently running at the Teatro Poeira in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.

Pereira, who hails from Ceará, has long viewed this harrowing incident as a 'shameful experience.' The assault occurred in a bush when he was just a child, an event that left him scarred and fearful. For years, he kept the incident a secret, fearing judgment and further victimization.

Why this matters: Silvero Pereira's courageous revelation sheds light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence, particularly against LGBTQIAPN+ children, and highlights the need for a broader conversation about this critical issue. By sharing his story, Pereira aims to inspire others to confront their own traumas and contribute to a cultural shift towards greater awareness and support.

In Pequeno Monstro, Pereira not only recounts his own experience but also shares stories of many others who have faced similar traumas. He aims to shed light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence, particularly against LGBTQIAPN+ children. The play is a form of therapy for Pereira, a way to 'expurgate' his emotions and confront his past.

Pereira's path to self-acceptance and healing has been long and arduous. 'Before exposing myself to the world, I was slowly opening up about this issue to myself. It was when I looked in the mirror and had the courage to assume who I really was,' he said.

The actor also faced homophobic bullying during his childhood, being taunted for his perceived effeminacy. This added another layer of trauma and isolation. Through theater, Pereira found a therapeutic outlet that allowed him to process and articulate his pain.

Pereira emphasizes that his play is not a militant manifesto but a work of art that addresses a critical issue. 'My great objective is to say: we are all involved in these violences. We need to face this problem. When I speak openly about my wound, I want other people to feel encouraged to speak. Or at least, someone who is going through this now doesn't have to face this pain alone,' he explained.

Pequeno Monstro is directed by Andreia Pires and will be on stage until July 28. Pereira hopes that his play will inspire others to confront their own traumas and contribute to a broader conversation about sexual violence.

Silvero Pereira's brave decision to share his painful past through theater not only highlights the personal impact of sexual violence but also emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue openly. By bringing his story to the stage, he aims to cultivate a sense of community and support for those who have suffered similar experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Brazilian actor Silvero Pereira shares his childhood trauma of being raped at 7 in his new play, Pequeno Monstro.
  • Pereira's play sheds light on sexual violence, particularly against LGBTQIAPN+ children, and encourages others to confront their traumas.
  • The play is a form of therapy for Pereira, helping him process and articulate his pain.
  • Pereira faced homophobic bullying as a child, adding to his trauma and isolation.
  • The play aims to inspire others to speak out and contribute to a broader conversation about sexual violence.