Over 8,600 Cambodians Use 'NoDrug' App to Report Drug Offenses Since April Launch

Cambodia's 'NoDrug' mobile app has been downloaded by over 8,600 people, allowing users to report drug offenses as part of the 9th Anti-Drug Campaign. The app has led to numerous reports, resulting in arrests and crackdowns on drug crimes.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Over 8,600 Cambodians Use 'NoDrug' App to Report Drug Offenses Since April Launch

Over 8,600 Cambodians Use 'NoDrug' App to Report Drug Offenses Since April Launch

Since its launch on April 23, 2024, more than 8,600 people in Cambodia have downloaded and used the 'NoDrug' mobile app to report drug offenses. This initiative is part of the 9th Anti-Drug Campaign led by Prime Minister Hun Manet and the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD).

Why this matters: The successful implementation of the 'NoDrug' app in Cambodia could serve as a model for other countries struggling with drug-related issues. If the app continues to receive widespread adoption, it could lead to a significant reduction in drug crimes and a safer, healthier society.

The app has been a significant tool in the fight against drug-related crimes, allowing users to report drug trafficking or use. According to Neth Pheaktra, Minister of Information and Chairman of the Education Commission of the 9th Anti-Drug Campaign Command, 8,604 people have installed the app over a 30-day period.

Neth Pheaktra emphasized the importance of education in the campaign, stating, "Education is the number one priority in the 9th Anti-Drug Campaign (2024), and the Commission for the Promotion of Education is leading the cross-sectorial efforts to raise awareness of the negative effects of drugs and inspire an anti-drug movement among the people, encouraging them to report drug offences to authorities."

General Meas Vyrith, Secretary-General of the NACD, also highlighted the effectiveness of the app, urging people to install it to ensure their communities are free of trafficking and usage. "I think the app is effective for reporting drug offences, and we urge people to install it to ensure their communities are free of trafficking and usage," he said.

The 'NoDrug' mobile app is designed not only for reporting but also for educational purposes. It features videos, messages, news, and articles to help users learn more about the negative impact of drugs. The app's educational component aims to strengthen public knowledge and support the broader goals of the anti-drug campaign.

Since the app's launch, authorities have received numerous reports from the public, leading to arrests and crackdowns on drug crimes. This use of technology to combat drug offenses reflects the Cambodian government's commitment to addressing drug-related issues through modern and efficient means.

The 9th Anti-Drug Campaign, led by Prime Minister Hun Manet and the NACD, aims to educate the public about the dangers of drugs and encourage them to report offenses. The campaign's focus on education and technology signifies a comprehensive approach to tackling the drug problem in Cambodia.

With over 8,600 users already engaged, the 'NoDrug' app is set to make a significant impact on drug crime reporting and prevention in Cambodia. The authorities continue to urge more people to download and use the app, promoting a community-driven effort to create a drug-free society.

Key Takeaways

  • Cambodia's 'NoDrug' app has been downloaded by over 8,600 people to report drug offenses.
  • The app is part of the 9th Anti-Drug Campaign led by Prime Minister Hun Manet and the NACD.
  • The app allows users to report drug trafficking or use and features educational content.
  • Authorities have received numerous reports, leading to arrests and crackdowns on drug crimes.
  • The campaign aims to educate the public and encourage reporting to create a drug-free society.