Canada Brands Iran's Revolutionary Guard as Terrorist Entity, Urges Citizens to Leave

Canada designates Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity, citing support for terrorism and human rights abuses, and urges Canadians to leave Iran.

Nitish Verma
New Update

Canada Brands Iran's Revolutionary Guard as Terrorist Entity, Urges Citizens to Leave

Canada has officially listed Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity, citing the regime's support for terrorism and disregard for human rights. The decision, announced by Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, comes amid escalating tensions between Ottawa and Tehran.

LeBlanc, flanked by Foreign Minister Melanie Joly and Justice Minister David Lametti, accused the Iranian regime of consistently displaying disregard for human rights both inside and outside of Iran, as well as a willingness to destabilize the international rules-based order. The move is seen as a significant step in holding the Iranian regime accountable for its actions.

The terrorism listing bars members of the IRGC from entering Canada and Canadians from having any dealings with individual members or the group. Any assets the IRGC or its members hold in Canada may also be seized. This move is expected to have far-reaching implications for Iranians living in Canada and those who have dealings with the IRGC.

Why it Matters : The decision to list the IRGC as a terrorist entity is significant because it acknowledges the regime's role in perpetuating violence and instability in the region. The move is also seen as a response to the downing of Flight PS752, which was shot down by Iran shortly after takeoff from Tehran in January 2020, killing all 176 passengers and crew, including 85 Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The victims' families and Iranian expats have long pressed Ottawa to take action against the IRGC.

Foreign Minister Melanie Joly urged Canadians against travel to Iran, saying, "For those who are in Iran right now, it's time to come back home." The warning comes as Canada and other nations have sued Iran at the International Court of Justice over the downing of Flight PS752. Tehran has claimed a missile strike on the aircraft was carried out by mistake.

The Canadian blacklist includes nearly 80 entities, including al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban, ISIS, and the Proud Boys, a North American neo-fascist militant group. Ottawa has previously listed the Quds Force, a branch of the IRGC, as a terrorist entity, and in 2022 permanently denied entry to more than 10,000 Iranian officials, including members of the IRGC.

The United States listed the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization in April 2019, and earlier this month, the European Union sanctioned the IRGC for allegedly supplying drones to Russia and its allies in the Middle East.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Canada has officially listed Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity.
  • The move is seen as a response to the downing of Flight PS752 and the regime's support for terrorism and disregard for human rights.
  • The terrorism listing bars members of the IRGC from entering Canada and Canadians from having any dealings with individual members or the group.
  • The decision is expected to have far-reaching implications for Iranians living in Canada and those who have dealings with the IRGC.
  • Canada has urged its citizens to leave Iran, citing the risks of traveling to the country.