UN's Humanitarian Fund Supports Displaced People in Central African Republic

The Central African Republic's ongoing conflict has displaced thousands, with many seeking refuge in IDP camps like PK3, where living conditions are challenging. The UN's Humanitarian Fund is providing support to displaced people, enabling them to rebuild their lives in safer areas.

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UN's Humanitarian Fund Supports Displaced People in Central African Republic

UN's Humanitarian Fund Supports Displaced People in Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) continues to grapple with an ongoing conflict that has led to the displacement of thousands of people. Many have sought refuge ininternally displaced people (IDP) camps, such as the PK3 camp near the town of Bria, which is the largest in the country. However, life in these camps is challenging, with insufficient access to basic necessities like clean water, sanitation, food, education, and medical care.

Why this matters: The ongoing conflict in the Central African Republic has far-reaching consequences for regional stability and global humanitarian efforts. As the number of displaced people continues to grow, it poses significant challenges for international organizations and governments to provide adequate support and resources.

Raphael Dekeuzago, a 41-year-old man from the Ouaka prefecture, fled his home due to the war and sought refuge at PK3. Despite the challenges, he decided to move to a district of Bria, where security is improving. With support from theHumanitarian Fundfor the Central African Republic (CAR HF), managed by the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Raphael was able to build a house and start his own business selling various items.

Raphael shared his plans for the future, saying, "I plan to split the money saved into two. One part will be used to pay the dowry for my future wife, hoping that God blesses us with children and that we can live together happily as a family."

The CAR HF, in partnership with organizations like the UNHCR, USAID, and IOM, provides support to displaced people, including the construction of shelters and access to water, household items, and cash for income-generating activities. There are approximately 500,000 IDPs in the Central African Republic, accounting for over 8% of the population.

The 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan for the Central African Republic aims to target nearly 429,000 of the most vulnerable people living in sites, with host families, in host communities, or in returnee situations. OCHA and its partners will facilitate access to civil documentation for returnees and support community-based protection mechanisms to prevent and report violence, especially against women and children, and to promote social cohesion.

By providing support to displaced people like Raphael Dekeuzago, the UN's Humanitarian Fund is enabling them to rebuild their lives in safer areas, improving their overall well-being and prospects for a better future. As the conflict in the Central African Republic persists, the continued support from theinternational communityremains crucial in assisting those affected by the ongoing crisis.