Chad Faces Dire Humanitarian Crisis as 6 Million Require Food Aid

Chad faces a severe humanitarian crisis, with 6 million people needing food security and nutritional assistance. The UN has warned that 3.3 million could be food-insecure by the lean season if substantial aid is not provided.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Chad Faces Dire Humanitarian Crisis as 6 Million Require Food Aid

Chad Faces Dire Humanitarian Crisis as 6 Million Require Food Aid

Chad is grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis, with approximately 6 million people, or one-third of its 18 million population, in urgent need of food security and nutritional assistance. The crisis has left 2.4 million peoplefood insecure, including 300,000 facing severe food insecurity.

Why this matters: The worsening humanitarian crisis in Chad has far-reaching implications for regional stability and global food security, as it can lead to increased migration and conflict. If left unaddressed, it can also exacerbate the already devastating effects of climate change, further threatening the livelihoods of vulnerable populations.

The United Nations has warned that the number of food-insecure individuals could rise to 3.3 million during the lean season if substantial assistance is not provided. Chad's 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan requires $1.1 billion to address the crisis, but it is only 6.6% funded, with just $74 million received so far.

The humanitarian situation in Chad has been exacerbated by a combination of factors, including climate change, insecurity, a refugee influx, and rising food and fuel prices. Torrential rains and flooding in the southern part of the country since March have worsened the crisis, while continued attacks by non-state armed groups in the Lake Chad basin have displaced local populations.

Chad is currently hosting 500,000 refugees from neighboring Sudan, putting additional pressure on the country's already strained resources. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported on the worsening humanitarian situation in Chad, emphasizing the urgent need for international support.

In response to the crisis, UN emergency relief coordinator Martin Griffiths has allocated $15 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund to address the underfunding crisis in Chad and other countries facing similar challenges. The UN is calling for urgent international support to prevent further deterioration of food security and nutrition levels in the country.

The humanitarian crisis in Chad remains dire, with one-third of the population in need of food aid and the country facing a severe funding shortfall. As the situation continues to worsen, the international community must act swiftly to provide the necessary support and prevent further suffering among Chad's most vulnerable populations.