Duku Highway in Xinjiang Reopens to Tourists After Record Early Opening

Duku Highway in Xinjiang, China reopened to tourists on June 2, 2024, marking its earliest seasonal reopening in five years. The highway's upgraded infrastructure aims to accommodate increasing tourists, boosting the local economy and promoting cultural exchange.

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Duku Highway in Xinjiang Reopens to Tourists After Record Early Opening

Duku Highway in Xinjiang Reopens to Tourists After Record Early Opening

The Duku Highway in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reopened to tourists on June 2, 2024, marking its earliest seasonal reopening in five years. This scenic 561-kilometer highway connects Dushanzi in the north with Kuqa City in the south, offering travelers breathtaking views of canyons, glaciers, lakes, and grasslands.

Why this matters: The reopening of the Duku Highway to tourists has significant implications for the local economy and tourism industry in Xinjiang. This development is likely to attract more visitors to the region, boosting the local economy and promoting cultural exchange.

This year's early reopening follows significant infrastructure upgrades aimed at accommodating the increasing number of tourists. The government of Kuqa has enhanced the facilities at various scenic points along the highway, ensuring improved services for self-drive tourists and bikers who frequent the route from June to October each year.

The Duku Highway is famous for its breathtaking scenery, but it faces annual closures because of harsh winter conditions. Heavy snowfall and road icing typically force the highway to close from October until June of the following year. This year, however, the reopening has come earlier than usual, reflecting the region's commitment to boosting tourism.

Xinjiang has experienced a significant tourism boom in recent times. During the May Day holiday (May 1-5) this year, the region welcomed approximately 8.56 million domestic tourists, representing a 6.3% increase year on year. This surge in visitors highlights the growing appeal of Xinjiang's unique natural beauty and cultural heritage.

The Duku Highway is a major draw for tourists, particularly those interested in self-drive tours and biking adventures. The upgraded infrastructure is expected to enhance the overall experience for visitors, making it easier and more enjoyable to explore the diverse terrains the highway crosses.

Duku Highway opens its gates to tourists earlier than it has in the past five years, marking the region's efforts to promote tourism and improve infrastructure. This development is likely to attract even more visitors to Xinjiang, further boosting the local economy and showcasing the region's natural wonders.

Key Takeaways

  • Duku Highway in Xinjiang reopens to tourists on June 2, 2024, its earliest seasonal reopening in 5 years.
  • The reopening is expected to boost the local economy and tourism industry in Xinjiang.
  • The highway has undergone infrastructure upgrades to accommodate increasing tourists.
  • Xinjiang welcomed 8.56 million domestic tourists during the May Day holiday, a 6.3% increase year on year.
  • The Duku Highway is a major draw for self-drive tourists and bikers, offering breathtaking scenery.