Zhejiang Province On High Alert For Flooding Amid Heavy Rainfall In China

Zhejiang province in eastern China is on high alert for potential dyke breaches and casualties as heavy rains continue to elevate water levels in the Yangtze River. Authorities have raised the emergency response level.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Zhejiang province faces severe flooding threats due to continuous heavy rainfall.

Zhejiang province in eastern China is on high alert for potential dyke breaches and casualties as heavy rainfall continues to batter the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The provincial government’s water resources department raised the emergency response level to 2, the second highest, on Tuesday as water levels in several hydrological stations neared flood-stage levels.

The flood level is determined based on the design capacity of flood-control infrastructure and historical water level records. Persistent heavy rains have caused water levels to rise alarmingly, prompting authorities to take precautionary measures.

Why This Matters: Zhejiang officials have urged all departments to safeguard against three critical risks: floods breaking river banks, large-scale and persistent urban flooding, and significant casualties. The heightened alert comes as China’s largest river, the Yangtze, faces its most severe flood threat in four years. The water level in Wuhan, situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze, is rising rapidly due to continuous heavy rains in southern China, where rainfall in the past seven days has exceeded 850mm.

The provincial government has mobilized resources to reinforce flood defenses and provide relief to affected areas. Emergency teams are on standby to respond to any breaches or other flood-related emergencies. Efforts are also underway to evacuate residents from high-risk zones and ensure the safety of those living near the riverbanks.

The heavy rains and subsequent flooding have disrupted daily life in many parts of Zhejiang and other provinces along the Yangtze River. Roads have been submerged, and agricultural lands have been inundated, leading to concerns about food security and economic losses. The government is closely monitoring the situation and has issued warnings to residents to stay alert and follow safety guidelines.

As the rains persist, the focus remains on minimizing the impact of the floods and ensuring the safety and well-being of the population. Authorities are urging residents to avoid travel to affected areas and to stay informed through official channels for the latest updates on the situation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Zhejiang raises emergency response to level 2 amid heavy rainfall.
  • Water levels in Yangtze River hydrological stations near flood-stage.
  • Authorities focus on preventing dyke breaches and urban flooding.
  • Heavy rains in southern China exceed 850mm in the past seven days.
  • Government mobilizes resources for flood defense and evacuation efforts.


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