Six People Found Dead with Gunshot Wounds in Antioquia, Colombia Amidst Surge of Violence

Six people were found dead with gunshot wounds in Antioquia, Colombia, amidst a surge in violence, with 29 massacres recorded in 2024, prompting calls for a comprehensive security plan.

Nitish Verma
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Six People Found Dead with Gunshot Wounds in Antioquia, Colombia Amidst Surge of Violence

In a shocking incident, six people were found dead with gunshot wounds in the Cabeceras village, Alto del Perro sector, Rionegro, Antioquia, on June 25. One more person was injured and taken to a healthcare center. The victims were reportedly traveling on two motorcycles and three vehicles when they were attacked. The authorities were alerted by local residents who found the lifeless bodies, and an investigation is underway to identify those responsible for the massacre.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, and more information is expected to be revealed in the coming hours. The Antioquia Police Department is present at the scene, working to establish the motives behind the massacre. According to initial reports, the attackers arrived at a farm in the sector where there were several people who were not natives of the municipality, and who were waiting to work in construction.

This incident is not an isolated one. In recent days, there have been two more massacres in the country. On June 14, 2024, the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) reported the homicide of three people in Florida, Valle del Cauca. The victims were three men attacked from a van on public roads. The same day, three other people were murdered in Miranda, Cauca. According to information, armed individuals approached them and began shooting mercilessly.

Why it Matters : The recent wave of violence in Colombia is a cause for concern, with 29 massacres recorded in the country so far in 2024, according to Indepaz. The presence of illegal armed groups in the departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca has led to an increase in acts of violence. President Gustavo Petro has referred to the situation as "war," and has ordered the lifting of the ceasefire. The government of Valle del Cauca has launched a statement addressed to the President's Government, highlighting the difficult situation in the region and requesting the implementation of a comprehensive security plan.

The situation in southwestern Colombia is particularly dire, with various groups outside the law launching criminal attacks against the region. The governor of Valle, Dilian Francisca Toro, has called for all sectors of society to come together to combat crime and coordinate actions. The situation is not only a regional problem but a national security issue that requires immediate attention.

Takeaway Oneliners:

  • Six people were found dead with gunshot wounds in Antioquia, Colombia, in the latest wave of violence.
  • The incident is one of three massacres reported in recent days, with 29 massacres recorded in the country so far in 2024.
  • The presence of illegal armed groups in Cauca and Valle del Cauca has led to an increase in acts of violence.
  • President Gustavo Petro has referred to the situation as "war" and has ordered the lifting of the ceasefire.
  • The government of Valle del Cauca has called for a comprehensive security plan to combat crime and coordinate actions against illegal armed groups.