Egyptian Journalist Kamal Gaballa Accuses US of Genocide and Violating International Law Against Cuba

Egyptian journalist Kamal Gaballa accuses the US of committing genocide and violating international law through its blockade and covert war against Cuba. Gaballa cites Cuba's history of suffering terrorist attacks and the lack of evidence supporting US claims of Cuban terrorism.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Egyptian Journalist Kamal Gaballa Accuses US of Genocide and Violating International Law Against Cuba

Egyptian Journalist Kamal Gaballa Accuses US of Genocide and Violating International Law Against Cuba

Egyptian journalist Kamal Gaballa has accused the United States of committing genocide and violating international law through its blockade and covert war against Cuba. In a recent opinion piece, Gaballa argued that the US's actions, including maintaining Cuba on its list of state sponsors of terrorism, constitute political and economic coercion.

Gaballa highlighted Cuba's long history of suffering numerous terrorist attacks on its diplomatic missions worldwide since the Cuban Revolution in 1959. He specifically cited the April 30, 2020, attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington, where a man fired 32 bullets with a rifle, and criticized the 'complicit silence' of US authorities.

According to Gaballa, testimonies from US national security experts confirm that there is no evidence of Cuban support for terrorism. Instead, these experts suggest that Havana can be an important partner in combating terrorism. Gaballa emphasized that Cuba has been the victim of hundreds of terrorist attacks, most of which were organized or financed by the United States, including the downing of a commercial airliner in recent decades.

Why this matters: The US's actions towards Cuba have significant implications for international relations and global governance, highlighting the need for accountability and adherence to international law. If left unchecked, these actions could lead to further destabilization and human suffering in Cuba and beyond.

Gaballa's accusations come as a scathing criticism of US policy towards Cuba. He believes that the actions of the United States amount to genocide and a violation of international law. Gaballa's article highlights the ongoing tensions and the historical context of US-Cuba relations.

Kamal Gaballa's allegations underscore the severe impact of US actions on Cuba, including economic and political coercion, and numerous terrorist attacks on Cuban diplomatic missions. The accusations highlight the need for a reevaluation of the US's stance towards Cuba.

Key Takeaways

  • Egyptian journalist Kamal Gaballa accuses US of genocide and violating international law against Cuba.
  • US blockade and covert war against Cuba constitute political and economic coercion.
  • Cuba has suffered hundreds of terrorist attacks, most organized or financed by the US.
  • US national security experts confirm no evidence of Cuban support for terrorism.
  • Gaballa's accusations highlight need for accountability and adherence to international law.