Urban Agriculture in Las Tunas, Cuba Strives for Self-Sufficiency with 57,300 Tons of Fresh Produce

Las Tunas, Cuba's Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector aims to produce 57,300 tons of fresh vegetables and condiments this year. The sector has already produced over 14,385 tons, with 46 organoponics created and urban farms revitalized.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Urban Agriculture in Las Tunas, Cuba Strives for Self-Sufficiency with 57,300 Tons of Fresh Produce

Urban Agriculture in Las Tunas, Cuba Strives for Self-Sufficiency with 57,300 Tons of Fresh Produce

In Las Tunas, Cuba, the Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector has set a significant goal for the year: to produce 57,300 tons of fresh vegetables and condiments. This ambitious target is part of a broader effort to enhance food production and self-sufficiency in the region.

Why this matters: This initiative has significant implications for food security and sustainability in Cuba, and potentially beyond. If successful, it could serve as a model for other regions and countries to increase their food production and reduce reliance on imports.

As of now, the sector has already achieved a substantial milestone, having produced over 14,385 tons of fresh produce. This progress is largely attributed to the creation and recovery of 46 organoponics and the revitalization of urban farms.

The initiative aims to provide 20 square meters of fresh food per person, a critical step towards ensuring food security for the local population. This goal reflects the dedication of the sector's workers, who have overcome numerous challenges to reach this point.

The Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector's efforts in Las Tunas are part of a larger national strategy to bolster food production across Cuba. By focusing on urban agriculture, the country hopes to reduce its reliance on imported food and enhance local sustainability.

Key statistics highlight the scale of this initiative: the target production of 57,300 tons, the 14,385 tons already produced, and the establishment of 46 organoponics. These figures highlight the substantial progress made towards the goal of 20 square meters of fresh food per person.

The success of this urban agriculture initiative has direct implications for the daily lives of Cubans, providing them with access to fresh, healthy produce. The increased availability of locally grown vegetables and condiments is expected to improve nutrition and food security in the region.

The Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector's continued progress towards its annual target underscores the hard work and resilience of the local farming community. The ongoing efforts to create and recover organoponics and revitalize urban farms are vital to meeting the ambitious production goals set for this year.

The initiative in Las Tunas serves as a model for other regions in Cuba, demonstrating the potential of urban agriculture to enhance food security and self-sufficiency. The progress made to date highlights the importance of innovative agricultural practices in addressing the challenges of food production in the country.

To recap, the Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector in Las Tunas, Cuba, is on track to achieve its goal of producing 57,300 tons of fresh vegetables and condiments this year. With over 14,385 tons already produced and significant efforts in place to expand urban farming, the initiative is set to make a lasting impact on food security in the region.

Key Takeaways

  • Cuba's Urban, Suburban, and Family Agriculture sector aims to produce 57,300 tons of fresh vegetables and condiments in Las Tunas.
  • 14,385 tons have already been produced, with 46 organoponics created and urban farms revitalized.
  • The goal is to provide 20 square meters of fresh food per person, enhancing food security and self-sufficiency.
  • The initiative is part of a national strategy to reduce reliance on imported food and increase local sustainability.
  • Success will serve as a model for other regions and countries to increase food production and reduce imports.