Fighting Intensifies as FARDC Clashes with M23 Rebels Near Goma

Fighting between Congolese army and Rwanda-backed M23 rebels continues near Goma, with rebels closing in on strategic towns. The conflict has displaced hundreds of thousands, and a South African soldier was killed in a clash with M23 rebels.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Fighting Intensifies as FARDC Clashes with M23 Rebels Near Goma

Fighting Intensifies as FARDC Clashes with M23 Rebels Near Goma

Fighting between the Congolese army (FARDC) and Rwanda-backed M23 rebels has continued for the second day near Sake, located 27 kilometers from Goma in Nord-Kivu province. The government forces have launched an offensive against the rebels, with reports of artillery fire and bombardments in the area.

The conflict has escalated significantly, with the M23 rebels closing in on the strategic town of Kanyabayonga, which is only five kilometers from the town center. Civilians are fleeing the area, and local officials have described the situation as 'very bad.'

Why this matters: The ongoing conflict between FARDC and M23 rebels has significant implications for regional stability and humanitarian crises. If the situation continues to escalate, it could lead to further displacement, human suffering, and potential disruption of aid deliveries to the region.

The rebels have already seized the town of Kyaghala, leading to a surge in displacement towards Kanyabayonga. Fighting has also been reported in the Masisi area around Sake, which is about 20 kilometers west of Goma, near the capital.

The FARDC, backed by armed militia known as the Wazalendo, launched an offensive about a week ago in North Kivu's Rutshuru and Masisi territories to re-capture areas occupied by the M23. However, the rebels have continued their advance, posing a significant threat to the region.

Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, is home to about 60,000 people, apart from tens of thousands of displaced individuals who have sought refuge there. The M23 rebels have nearly encircled the city, which lies on the way to the key cities of Butembo and Beni.

The humanitarian crisis continues to worsen as hundreds of thousands of people are displaced and in need of aid. The escalating conflict raises concerns about the safety of civilians caught in the crossfire and the potential disruption of vital aid deliveries to the region.

One local official stated, 'The M23 is five kilometers from the centre of Kanyabayonga.' Another source noted, 'Kanyabayonga is in the process of emptying itself.' An unnamed official added, 'The situation is very bad and people have started fleeing to the north.'

The conflict has seen multiple clashes involving international forces as well. On Thursday, one South African soldier was killed and 14 others critically injured in a major clash with the M23 rebels near Sake, as part of the SADC Mission in DRC (SAMIDRC), deployed to fight armed rebel groups, mainly the M23.

Fighting continues, the situation remains dire for those caught in the conflict. The international community watches closely, concerned about the escalating violence and its impact on the already fragile region.

Key Takeaways

  • Fighting between FARDC and M23 rebels continues near Goma, Nord-Kivu province.
  • M23 rebels close in on strategic town of Kanyabayonga, 5km from center.
  • Civilians flee area, local officials describe situation as "very bad."
  • Fighting escalates, posing threat to regional stability and humanitarian crises.
  • International forces involved, including SADC Mission in DRC (SAMIDRC).