Finland Tops World Happiness Report for Seventh Year, Pakistan Ranks 108th

Finland ranks as the happiest country in the world for the seventh consecutive year, according to the 2024 World Happiness Report. Pakistan ranks 108th globally, with areas for improvement including GDP per capita, social support, and perceptions of corruption.

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Finland Tops World Happiness Report for Seventh Year, Pakistan Ranks 108th

Finland Tops World Happiness Report for Seventh Year, Pakistan Ranks 108th

The 2024 World Happiness Report has once again ranked Finland the happiest country in the world, marking its seventh consecutive year at the top. The report, released on the United Nations International Day of Happiness, surveys 143 countries and evaluates them based on various factors contributing to overall life satisfaction.

Why this matters: The World Happiness Report's findings have significant implications for policymakers and citizens alike, as it highlights the importance of social support systems, economic stability, and good governance in achieving high levels of happiness. If countries like Pakistan fail to address these areas, they may face declining happiness scores, leading to negative consequences for their citizens' well-being and overall development.

Finland's consistent high ranking is attributed to its strong social support system, high GDP per capita, and low levels of corruption. These factors create a robust safety net for Finnish citizens, ensuring their well-being in various life situations. The country’s social security system provides state-sponsored support such as unemployment benefits, disability allowance, pension, and housing allowance.

Pakistan, meanwhile, ranks 108th globally and 2nd in South Asia, behind Nepal, which secured the 93rd position. Despite having 64% of its population under the age of 30, Pakistan struggles with youth happiness, ranking 107th in this category. The report highlights areas for improvement, including GDP per capita, social support, and perceptions of corruption.

The report notes a significant decrease of 0.479 points in Pakistan's happiness score between the 2006-10 and 2021-23 survey rounds. This decline highlights the need for measures to promote a more optimistic outlook among Pakistani citizens. Key factors contributing to happiness include economic stability, social support, and freedom from corruption.

Globally, younger generations tend to report higher life satisfaction than older adults, but this trend is not uniform. In North America, Australia, and New Zealand, younger individuals reported lower happiness scores compared to older generations. Conversely, Central and Eastern Europe saw an increase in happiness across all age groups during the same period, highlighting the importance of middle-aged groups.

The report evaluates life satisfaction based on six key variables: GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom of choice, generosity, and perceptions of corruption. Pakistan's rankings in these categories are mixed, with particularly low scores in social support (133rd) and positive affect (134th), while it ranks relatively higher in perceptions of corruption (43rd).

To enhance citizen well-being, Pakistan needs to implement both short-term and long-term policy measures. Short-term actions include promoting community engagement, improving access to mental health services, and addressing corruption. Long-term strategies involve investing in education and health, encouraging economic growth, reducing social inequality, and promoting good governance.

The 2024 World Happiness Report highlights the importance of comprehensive social support systems and economic stability in achieving high levels of happiness. While Finland continues to set an example with its robust welfare policies, countries like Pakistan have significant opportunities for improvement to enhance the well-being of their citizens.

Key Takeaways

  • Finland ranks 1st in World Happiness Report for 7th consecutive year.
  • Pakistan ranks 108th globally, with low scores in social support and corruption.
  • Economic stability, social support, and good governance key to happiness.
  • Pakistan's happiness score decreased by 0.479 points between 2006-10 and 2021-23.
  • Improving social support, education, and governance can enhance citizen well-being.