UN Committee Urges Finland to Safeguard Asylum Seekers Amid Border Policy Concerns

The UN Committee against Torture urges Finland to implement safeguards for asylum seekers at its Russia border. Finland's proposed law to push back migrants without processing their applications raises human rights concerns.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
UN Committee Urges Finland to Safeguard Asylum Seekers Amid Border Policy Concerns

UN Committee Urges Finland to Safeguard Asylum Seekers Amid Border Policy Concerns

The United Nations Committee against Torture has urged Finland to implement safeguards for asylum seekers at its Russia border. This call comes in response to the Finnish government's proposal to push back migrants without processing their applications, a move that would breach international human rights commitments.

Why this matters: This matter has significant implications for the treatment of asylum seekers globally, as it sets a precedent for how countries respond to migration crises. If Finland's proposed law is implemented, it could lead to a rise in pushback policies, resulting in human rights violations and putting the lives of vulnerable individuals at risk.

Finland's 1,300-kilometer-long eastern border with Russia has been closed since mid-December 2023. The closure has heightened concerns about the treatment of asylum seekers attempting to cross into Finland. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) acknowledges Finland's unique geopolitical position and its right to control and manage its borders. However, it emphasizes the need to adhere to international and European laws regarding asylum seekers.

The proposed Finnish law would allow authorities to deny access to territory for those seeking asylum, a practice that violates international and European law. Philippe Leclerc, UNHCR's Regional Director for Europe, warned that such policies could set a dangerous precedent. "Even in times of emergency or so-called instrumentalization, countries must guarantee that those seeking protection have effective access to an asylum procedure. A possible consequence could be pushbacks, as we have witnessed at some European borders. Pushback practices put people in danger, too often resulting in severe injuries, split of families or even deaths," Leclerc stated.

To address these concerns, the UNHCR has proposed alternatives to pushback policies. These include implementing border procedures as outlined in the EU Pact, with legal and practical safeguards that comply with international refugee law. Strengthening fair and efficient asylum procedures is also recommended to swiftly identify vulnerable individuals in need of immediate support and those who do not require international protection. Additionally, the UNHCR suggests expediting dignified returns to countries of origin for individuals not in need of international protection.

The importance of adhering to international commitments is underscored by the 1951 Refugee Convention, which enshrines the fundamental human right to seek safety from war, conflict, and persecution. While states have the right to address security concerns, they must also implement fair and humane policies towards asylum seekers in line with international law.

In summary, the United Nations Committee against Torture has called on Finland to introduce safeguards for asylum seekers at its Russia border, emphasizing the need to adhere to international and European laws. The proposed Finnish law to push back migrants without processing their applications has raised significant human rights concerns. Alternatives suggested by the UNHCR aim to ensure fair and efficient asylum procedures while addressing security concerns.

Key Takeaways

  • UN Committee against Torture urges Finland to implement safeguards for asylum seekers at Russia border.
  • Finland's proposed law to push back migrants without processing applications breaches international human rights commitments.
  • Pushback policies could set a dangerous precedent, leading to human rights violations and putting lives at risk.
  • UNHCR proposes alternatives, including implementing border procedures with legal safeguards and strengthening fair asylum procedures.
  • Adhering to international law is crucial to ensure fair and humane treatment of asylum seekers.